EAB Extends Technology Suite to Help College Students Transfer Seamlessly and Graduate in Less Time

The firm announced a transfer portal and a major enhancement to its SSMS, providing community college and four-year students with continuous support across their higher education journeys

Washington, DC, Oct. 04, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today at EAB’s annual student success summit, CONNECTED, the firm announced the official launch of its Transfer Portal, as well as a major enhancement to its student success management system (SSMS). Both advances give students resources they need to make informed decisions about their educational paths so they can reach their goals in the least amount of time.

The Transfer Portal, a new solution in EAB’s technology suite, allows individual institutions to make a set of online tools available on their own websites for students interested in transferring. It projects which courses will transfer, which majors those courses will apply toward, and what job opportunities and salaries are available to someone with those degrees. By using the portal, students can identify the outcomes they want and choose the courses and majors that put them on the shortest and least expensive paths to achieve their ambitions. The portal also provides counselors and advisors with information about prospective students, enabling them to proactively engage with individuals earlier in the process and help students successfully transition from community colleges to four-year schools.

EAB also shared a major enhancement to its SSMS: four-year college students now have access to academic planning tools that help them select the courses they need to complete their degrees, ensure those courses work with their schedules, and seamlessly register for classes. Providing this information directly to students equips them with the insights they need to make decisions that will get them to their desired outcomes more quickly. The academic planning module also gives students and advisors the ability to collaborate in an online workspace, ensuring students have access to advisors’ expertise as they create their course plans and freeing up time in face-to-face meetings for more robust conversations about career paths or potential obstacles to graduation.

“Too many students experience a difficult journey through higher education that takes longer and costs more than it should,” said Melanie Bowen, Senior Vice President, EAB. “That’s why we created the Transfer Portal, which specifically serves students at the crossroads of community colleges and universities. And that’s why it was incredibly important for us to advance our SSMS and give all students the academic planning tools they need to chart direct paths to the degrees they want and reduce the time they spend in school.”

EAB also announced that it has combined its platforms for two-year and four-year institutions into a single student success management system. The unified SSMS has adopted the name of the two-year solution: Navigate. Now, students can have a seamless experience if they move between a community college and a four-year institution, while schools benefit more quickly from technological innovations as well.

“Together, the Transfer Portal and Navigate serve students across the higher education continuum, helping individual schools and higher education systems guide students through the diverse and complicated paths to their degrees,” Bowen continued.

About EAB

At EAB, our mission is to make education smarter and our communities stronger. We harness the collective power of more than 1,400 schools, colleges, and universities to uncover and apply proven practices and transformative insights. And since complex problems require multifaceted solutions, we work with each school differently to apply these insights through a customized blend of research, technology, and services. From kindergarten to college and beyond, EAB partners with education leaders, practitioners, and staff to accelerate progress and drive results across three key areas: enrollment management, student success, and institutional operations and strategy.

