ThriftBooks First U.S. Company to Surpass 200,000 Reviews on Trustpilot

Seattle, WA, Oct. 15, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ThriftBooks, the world’s largest online used bookseller, recently became the first U.S. company to receive more than 200,000 customer reviews on Trustpilot, the leading global independent review platform. ThriftBooks has a TrustScore of 9.3 out of 10/Excellent, a measure of customer satisfaction based on the hundreds of thousands of ThriftBooks service reviews. More than 240,000 companies have reviews on Trustpilot.


“We’re honored that so many of our customers have taken the time to review ThriftBooks. We regularly use this feedback to improve our customers’ shopping experience,” said Nicole Cox, Vice President of Marketing. “We also appreciated the surprise gift of 200 cupcakes from Trustpilot to celebrate this milestone.”


Trustpilot enables consumers to find companies, read reviews from other customers, and write their own reviews. ThriftBooks established a partnership with Trustpilot in 2015. To read all ThriftBooks reviews, visit ThriftBooks Reviews.


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About ThriftBooks

Based in Seattle, WA, ThriftBooks is the largest online seller of used books in the world, having sold more than 100 million books since its inception. Founded in 2003 and backed by KCB Management, ThriftBooks operates 8 fulfillment centers in the US that purchase, grade, and distribute used and collectible books. ThriftBooks relies on proprietary software to identify and list books, as well as a sophisticated pricing model that dynamically prices books across a variety of online platforms, including,  eBay, and others.


About Trustpilot

Trustpilot is a leading independent review platform - free and open to all. With more than 45 million reviews of over 240,000 companies, Trustpilot gives people a place to share and discover reviews of businesses, and we give every company the tools to turn consumer feedback into business results. Our mission is to bring people and businesses closer together to create ever-improving experiences for everyone. Trustpilot reviews are seen more than 3 billion times each month by consumers worldwide. With offices in Copenhagen, London, New York, Denver, Berlin, Melbourne and Vilnius, Trustpilot's 700 employees represent more than 40 different nationalities.

