Voisins-le-Bretonneux, the 16 October 2018 at 8:00 am - After less than a year of discussions between management teams and other technical-commercial teams from ITCMT and Orège in France and Japan, Orège is pleased to announce its partnership for distribution and integration of its SLG solutions in Japan with ITCMT.

A high potential business alliance

ITCMT is a subsidiary of the Japanese ITOCHU Corporation, one of the largest and most renowned "sôgô shôsha" (diversified trading house), which distributes and integrates industrial equipment and solutions, particularly in the areas of environment and energy recovery.

Orège's partnership with ITCMT covers the marketing and distribution, integration and maintenance of its SLG solutions throughout Japan, for both industrial businesses and municipalities.

Initial joint commercial actions have been conducted since the spring of 2018 and already confirm the potential of the Japanese market with many marks of interest.

Orège and ITCMT are confident that they will be able to sell and install several SLG solutions over the coming six months or so in Japan, particularly with Japanese businesses in the paper and food and beverage industries.

Economic and environmental context in Japan very favorable to deployments of SLG solutions

The Japanese market is one of the world's largest markets, along with the United States and China, with regard to the amount of annual investment in wastewater and sludge treatment solutions. The cost of disposal of sludge per ton in Japan is also among the highest in the world.

Furthermore, the Japanese Government has implemented significant financial support in recent years (including through a new law passed in 2017) to encourage industrial and municipal stakeholders to improve their carbon and environmental footprints and to encourage them adopt innovative solutions that make it possible to recover sludge in the form of fertilizers / compost or energy (biomass, biogas, etc.).

Pascal Gendrot, CEO and cofounder of Orège said:

"This alliance with one of the largest industrial conglomerates in the world fits perfectly with our strategy targeting high potential geographic areas. It is an important step in penetrating the Japanese market providing tremendous commercial potential for minimal customer acquisition costs."

About ITCMT and ITOCHU Corporation

ITOCHU Corporation - with headquarters in Tokyo and Osaka - is one of the world's leading trading companies. Over 150 years of global trade experience has made ITOCHU a competent player in all business sectors. ITOCHU is involved in almost every branch of the economy and plays an important role in international trade. 138 branches in 85 countries and more than 651 subsidiaries belonging to the group.



About the SLG®

SLG® (solid, liquid, gas) is a breakthrough technology for sludge conditioning and treatment. It provides industrialists, operators or municipal actors with an economic and efficient solution by significantly reducing the volume of sludge and promoting sludge valorization through the modification of its physicochemical and rheological characteristics.

Totally aligned with new regulatory and environmental requirements, the patented SLG® technology is multi-award-winning throughout the world, most notably as the "breakthrough technology" of the year 2016 at the Global Water Intelligence Awards or "Best Technology". Innovative "at the" Birmingham Utility Week "in 2017.

About Orège:

Orège is an international cleantech company specializing in the development, manufacturing and marketing of municipal and industrial sludge treatment solutions as well as complex effluents. Orège accompanies its clients in a dozen countries from its sites in France, the United States and England.

Orège is listed on the regulated market of Euronext - Paris since July 5, 2013. ISIN: FR0010609206 - OREGE



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Cyril Combe
tel. : 01 53 65 68 68

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