Terrestrial Energy’s advanced molten salt reactor design is paving the way for the next generation of clean, affordable and reliable nuclear power plants in Canada and around the world.

Oakville, Ontario, Oct. 26, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries (OCNI) is proud to recognize Terrestrial Energy as an innovation leader in the nuclear industry. 

Established in 2013, Terrestrial Energy is an industry-leading technology company committed to delivering reliable, emission-free, and cost-competitive energy with a truly innovative advanced reactor design. 

Terrestrial Energy is integrating a series of unique innovations to create the Integral Molten Salt Reactor, or IMSR®. The IMSR® uses a liquid nuclear fuel, a molten salt, a truly innovative approach. It will generate 190 megawatts of electricity per unit (or 400 megawatts of industrial heat). Terrestrial Energy has applied to construct a demonstration plant at the Chalk River Site.

Proud to call Oakville home in Canada, Terrestrial is contributing to the nuclear industry in Ontario.


“The global trends are becoming abundantly clear. We are recognising how crucially important nuclear innovation and SMRs are to our desired energy future, one that delivers both reliable, secure and zero-emissions energy and at cost-competitive prices. This creates the great opportunity that Terrestrial Energy and its Canadian partners are pursuing with IMSR technology.”

Simon Irish, CEO, Terrestrial Energy

 “Canada has always been at the forefront of nuclear technology, and Ontario companies have proven to be innovative leaders in the energy sector. Our government is committed to find new ways to reduce wasteful spending, reduce hydro rates for Ontario, but also maintain an environment that will serve all Ontarians now, and in the future. Oakville is proud to be the home of Terrestrial Energy, both for its contribution to the local economy, and for its leadership in developing innovations solutions to the energy needs of tomorrow”

Stephen Crawford, MPP for Oakville

“Terrestrial Energy is such a valued part of our business community. I’m proud of the work it is doing to develop clean energy technology while helping support the growth of our local economy – and our livability”
Rob Burton, Mayor Oakville

"OCNI is proud to recognize Terrestrial Energy and its dedicated employees for developing an innovative next generation small reactor design that will help establish Canada as a leader in the deployment of small, versatile and efficient reactors that will help combat climate change by providing non-emitting energy to both the electricity and industrial sectors for years to come.”

Ron Oberth, President & CEO, OCNI

Terrestrial Energy was established in 2013 and is an industry-leading technology company committed to delivering reliable, emission-free, and cost-competitive energy with a truly innovative advanced reactor design.

Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries (OCNI) is an association of more than 200 Canadian suppliers to the nuclear industry that employ more than 14,000 highly skilled and specialized engineers, technologists, and trades people. OCNI companies design reactors, manufacture major equipment and components, and provide engineering services and support to CANDU nuclear power plants in Canada as well as to CANDU and Light Water Reactor (LWR) plants in offshore markets.



