That Time You Really Needed Just a Little Bit of Plastic

Toronto, Nov. 26, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Life can be challenging. Even more so without plastics. Here are some moments when everyday plastics could have saved your day. And one moment when it could save your life.

That time your dog did her business on your neighbour’s lawn and you forgot the doo doo bags.

Doggie bags (not the food variety) are an often overlooked necessity. Best not get stuck on a dog walk without one—or more.

That time you opened the new medicine container… and the safety seal had been tampered with.

Willing to risk it? Uh, uh. That little plastic/foil seal means everything.

That time you risked it on an overcast day and got drenched without an umbrella.

There are many plastic items we use every day. An umbrella isn’t always one of them. But why does it seem to rain only when you didn’t bring it?

That Time You Went on That Long Road Trip and Forgot Diapers for the Baby.

Cloth or plastic, diapers are critical. And let’s face it… on long trips in a car, plastic has some advantages.

That time your lovingly-made lunch was smushed on the bus.

Sure, flimsy bags might be easy to carry, but a little protection—e.g., a tough, reusable bento box—can be the difference between eating lunch or not.

That time your gift was delivered to your home while you were at work. And it was raining.

New mailers combine a watertight seal and bubble cushioning. AND they can be recycled with your plastic bags and wraps at more 20,000 retail stores in North America.

That time you thought your leftovers would be OK in the fridge without a container.

There are many advantages of plastic air-tight containers. Helping ward off slimy mold is one of them.

That time you really needed duct tape. Like… really, really needed it.

Duct tape might be the most clutch item ever invented. It can fix your shoes, stop a leak, repair a hose, or—if you’re like MacGyver—save the world. Really sticky plastic can be quite handy.

That time you decided your toddler was old enough to drink out of a big kid cup.

Ask a parent: Of the plastic items we use every day, what’s one of the most valuable? Definitely sippy cups.

That time you took a picture, dropped your phone, and wanted to turn back time.

The fumble. The panic. The shatter. It’s happened to almost all of us. Thankfully, one of the advantages of plastic phone cases: they help keep your pricey device intact.

And hopefully you will never have this time.

That time when you didn’t really have time… to think or react or decide. But your airbag saved your life. Or your spouse’s. Or your parent’s. Or your teenager’s. Sometimes a little bit of plastic can be the most important thing in the world.

Meeting life’s challenges can be…challenging. In these moments, sometimes all you need is a little bit of plastic.

Today's intelligent plastics are vital to the modern world. These materials enhance our lifestyles, our economy and the environment.  For more information visit

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