Interim report first half year 2018/19

The Board of Directors has today presented and approved the interim report for the first half year of the financial year 2018/19. The interim report has not been audited or reviewed by the company auditors.

The interim report contains the following main points:

The result of the second quarter (1 August 2018 – 31 October 2018)

  • The turnover of the Group amounts to DKK 277m corresponding to the level of last year.
  • EBIT of the 2nd quarter makes up DKK 18.2m and has increased by DKK 3.6m corresponding to 25% compared to last year. The development in revenue of Q2 exceeds our expectations.
  • Investments of the quarter in long term assets amount to DKK 47m.
  • Cash flows from operation amount to DKK 11m against DKK -10m last year.

The result of the first half year (1 May 2018 – 31 October 2018)

  • The Group turnover amounts to DKK 551m and is as expected.
  • EBIT makes up DKK 30.1m against DKK 39.0m last year. The result is slightly under our expecations. The decline is solely attributable to Q1 (cost of international sales conference as well as decline in revenue in Carpet Concept). Revenue of Q2 exceeds the level of last year as well as our expectations.

  • Investments in long term assets of the first half year amount to DKK 70m.
  • Cash flows from operation amount to DKK 63m against DKK 19m last year.

Prospects 2018/19

Based on the development we have seen during the first 6 months of the financial year, our expectations for the financial year 2018/19 as reported in the annual financial statement 29 June 2018 are maintained.


CEO John VestergaardCCO Svend Aage Færch Nielsen
Tel. +45 97118811Tel. +45 97118811

egetæpper a/s
Herning 11 December 2018



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Delårsrapport 2018_2019_UK