JuBiter Wallet, a Hardcore Member of Crypto Wallet Family, Has Joined the Game

Beijing, China, Dec. 24, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Winter is not coming. Instead, winter has already come in the cryptocurrency world and does not seems to be leaving soon. Most of the crypto enthusiasts, however, still believe in the value of cryptocurrencies as it is common sense that crypto currency has its irreplaceable use cases. For those HODLers who keep cryptocurrencies in wallet, security is taken as the most critical factor. Hardware crypto wallets are designed for providing higher level security for crypto assets. But there is still hardly a hardware wallet with perfectly sound security design in both hardware and software perspectives.

JuBiter Wallet

JuBiter crypto wallet is made by an individual team backed by a 20-year experienced security hardware company (Feitian Technologies Co., Ltd.) which has been providing security tokens for countless number of banks. JuBiter does not intend to change crypto wallets, but instead aims to set an example security level that all hardware wallets should strive to meet.

A Secure Element Is Always Needed

Secure element (SE) microprocessor is considered to be the heart of security hardware, as it is in crypto wallets. Using SE can significantly increase the safety of users’ assets by protecting the applications and data inside the SE from malware attacks.

SEs are also divided into different security levels. JuBiter wallet uses Infineon CC EAL6+ SE in order to provide ultimate protection on users’ crypto assets. The secret seed of the wallet is generated, stored and used only inside the SE and never be revealed even to the JAVA applets running in the SE.

Not Only the SE That Matters

SE guarantees that the data generated in it is trusted. But the data eventually captured by your eyes might not be the original data, because the display might be compromised by attackers. A good hardware structure design that prevents malicious modifications inside hardware is just as important as using a SE.

JuBiter believes that simplicity offers the best security. JuBiter embeds a single SE which directly controls all accessories (Buttons, screen, Bluetooth and USB). There are no vulnerable “middle parts” in the hardware that can be compromised. Users will always have the total control of the device.

Use with Phones

JuBiter wallet can be used on mobile phones over Bluetooth connection. The balance and transaction history can be checked solely with the phone while proceeding transactions need confirmation from the wallet device by pressing the physical button.

JuBiter wallet is now available on US Amazon and its own online shop priced at $79.99. JuBiter is also looking for distributors globally. Information can be found on the JuBiter website:



JuBiter Wallet

JuBiter crypto wallet is made by an individual team backed by a 20-year experienced security hardware company (Feitian Technologies Co., Ltd.) which has been providing security tokens for countless number of banks. JuBiter does not intend to change crypto wallets, but instead aims to set an example security level that all hardware wallets should strive to meet. JuBiter wallet can be used on mobile phones over Bluetooth connection. The balance and transaction history can be checked solely with the phone while proceeding transactions need confirmation from the wallet device by pressing the physical button.

JuBiter wallet is now available on US Amazon and its own online shop priced at $79.99. JuBiter is also looking for distributors globally. Information can be found on the JuBiter website:
