This New Year’s Eve, Resolve to Prevent Impaired Driving

OAKVILLE, Ontario, Dec. 31, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MADD Canada and Allstate Insurance Company of Canada are urging everyone to start the New Year off right – by arranging a safe and sober ride home.

“However you are welcoming in the New Year, if alcohol, cannabis or other drugs are part of your party plans, please leave the driving to someone sober,” said MADD Canada Chief Executive Officer Andrew Murie. “No one wants to start the New Year off with an impaired driving charge, or worse, a crash that kills or injuries someone. Transportation options are available – there is never an excuse for driving impaired.”

Every year, hundreds are killed and tens of thousands are injured in crashes involving alcohol, cannabis and other drugs. In fact, despite the laws, the education and awareness, impaired driving continues to be a leading cause of death in Canada.

“Most people will make the right choice and will plan ahead for a sober ride home,” said Allstate Insurance Company of Canada President and CEO Ryan Michel. “But there are still some who will take the risk and put themselves and others in danger by driving impaired. Think ahead, think of others, and think of yourself; make the right choice and plan for a safe ride home.

If you’re making the rounds to holiday parties and are planning on drinking or consuming cannabis, eliminate the risk of getting behind the wheel altogether and plan a sober transportation option:

  • Book an Uber.
  • Take a cab.
  • Take public transportation.
  • Arrange a designated driver.
  • Plan to spend the night.

As a party host, you have some responsibility for the safety of your guests. There are some simple precautions you can take to make sure your guests don’t drive under the influence of alcohol and/or cannabis:

  • Have lots of food and non-alcohol/low alcohol beverages available.
  • Serve drinks yourself so you can monitor how much your guests are consuming. Don’t serve alcohol to guests who are already intoxicated. Stop serving alcohol long before you expect the party to wind up.
  • If guests are consuming cannabis, try to be aware of their consumption / impairment levels.
  • Know how your guests are getting home and who is driving.
  • If you have Uber in your area, download the app.
  • Have taxi numbers available.
  • Be prepared to have intoxicated guests spend the night at your house.

Those looking for a safe, sober and reliable ride home at the push of a button can check out Uber, MADD Canada’s Official Designated Driving App. Visit  for more information.

About MADD Canada
MADD Canada is a national, charitable organization that is committed to stopping impaired driving and supporting the victims of this violent crime. With volunteer-driven groups in more than 100 communities across Canada, MADD Canada aims to offer support services to victims, heighten awareness of the dangers of impaired driving and save lives and prevent injuries on our roads. To learn more, visit

About Allstate Insurance Company of Canada
Allstate Insurance Company of Canada is a leading home and automobile insurer focused on providing our valued customers prevention and protection products and services for every stage of life. Serving Canadians since 1953, Allstate strives to keep our customers and employees in "Good Hands®". We are proud to have been named a Best Employer in Canada for seven consecutive years. Allstate is committed to making a positive difference in the communities in which it we operates and has partnered with organizations such as MADD Canada, United Way and Junior Achievement. To learn more, visit For safety tips and advice, visit

