Kaufman & Broad SA : Half-year liquidity contract statement for Kaufman & Broad

Press Release

PARIS, January 8th 2018

liquidity contract statement
for kaufman & broad

Regarding liquidity contract signed by Kaufman & Broad with Rothschild Martin Maurel on December 31 st 2018, the liquidity account held the following assets :

  • Securities : 34,350
  • Cash  : €228,680.00

Regarding liquidity contract signed by Kaufman & Broad with Rothschild
Martin Maurel on October 22 nd 2018, the liquidity account held the following assets :

  • Securities : 32,765
  • Cash  : €283,138.17

Regarding liquidity contract signed by Kaufman & Broad with Kepler
Chevreux on June 30 th 2018, the liquidity account held the following assets :

  • Securities : 19,926
  • Cash  : €858,422.34

This press release is available on the www.kaufmanbroad.fr


Chief Financial Officer
Bruno Coche
+33 (1) 41 43 44 73

Media relations :
Violaine Danet
Hopscotch Capital
+33 (1) 70 94 65 77/ k&b@hopscotchcapital.fr
Kaufman & Broad :
Emmeline Cacitti
06 72 42 66 24 / ecacitti@ketb.com



About Kaufman & Broad - Kaufman & Broad has been designing, building, and selling single-family homes in communities, apartments, and offices on behalf of third parties for 50 years. Kaufman & Broad is one of the leading French developers-builders due to the combination of its size and profitability, and the strength of its brand.

 This press release is prepared in accordance with Articles 212-4, 5° and 212-5, 6° of the General Regulation of the AMF and the Article 19 of AMF Official Line DOC-2016-14.


Pièces jointes

Half-year  liquidity contract statement for Kaufman & Broad.pdf