2019 Financial Communication Calendar

                                                                                                                                                            9 January 2019 at 5:45 pm


AKWEL (FR0000053027, AKW, PEA), an equipment and systems manufacturer for the car and HGV industry specialised in fluids management and mechanisms, announced its financial communication calendar for 2019:

 Press releasesMeetings
Full-year 2018 revenue14 February 2019 
Full-year 2018 earnings11 April 201912 Avril 2019
at 10:00 am in Paris
First-quarter 2019 revenue2 May 2019 
Annual General Meeting29 May 2019 
First half-year 2019 revenue25 July 2019 
First half-year 2019 earnings26 September 201927 September 2019
at 10:00 am in Paris
Third-quarter 2019 revenue14 November 2019 
Full-year 2019 revenue13 February 2020 


All aforementioned press statements will be disclosed after closing of usual trading day. Calendar may be subject to change and is communicated on an indicative basis.

Next press release: Full-year 2018 revenue – 14 February 2019 after the market close.

An independent family-owned and operated group listed on Euronext Paris, Akwel is an equipment and systems manufacturer for the car and HGV industry, positioned in two areas of expertise: fluids management and mechanisms. Present in 22 countries on five continents, Akwel has more than 11,000 employees worldwide.


Euronext Paris – Segment B – ISIN: FR0000053027 – Reuters: AKW.PA – Bloomberg: AKW:FP


Jean-Louis Thomasset – Vice-Chairman of the Executive Board/CFO – Tél. : +33 4 50 56 99 25

EKNO – Press Relations
Christine Savoie – Jean-Marc Atlan – christine.savoie@ekno.fr – Tél. : +33 6 46 90 34 23 / +33 6 07 37 20 44

CALYPTUS – Investors Relations
Sophie Levesque – Mathieu Calleux – akwel@calyptus.net – Tél. : +33 1 53 65 68 68



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Press Release_AKWEL_2019 Financial Communication Calendar