New IBFD Publication on Disruptive Tax Developments with Societal Impact

Amsterdam, Jan. 15, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- IBFD announced that it has added International Tax Studies (ITAXS), a new recurring publication, to its line of editorial products. This new series of papers was based on expressed user needs for alternative content offerings. ITAXS offers ground-breaking studies on paradigm-shifting topics in contemporary tax law with societal impact. The publication aims to foster debate and help readers anticipate critical issues and assess their impact.

“In ITAXS, challenging issues are analysed in depth and put in perspective while presented in a streamlined way,” said Prof. Pasquale Pistone, Academic Chairman of IBFD and Editor-in-Chief of ITAXS. “Each issue of ITAXS will concisely address innovative and disruptive developments that directly and indirectly affect the global tax environment and are likely to have an effect on taxpayers, advisers, governments and academia.”

“As the very pronunciation of the ITAXS acronym conveys, the publication will eye the implications of the issues arising from international tax problems,” continued Prof. Pistone. “This is achieved by fitting issues into a conceptual framework to understand relevant patterns and implications.” 

To ensure the information is state-of-the-art, ITAXS will have a flexible publication schedule and a fast-track, internal, board-review approach. The first ITAXS issue was recently released. It consists of a cutting-edge study by the prestigious International Tax Group. Their contribution is devoted to the analysis of the 2017 revision of article 4(3) of the OECD Model Convention and its Commentary regarding dual residence of companies. Two further issues will appear in the course of the first quarter of 2019, and publication will continue on a non-periodical basis in the course of the same year.

Future contributions are expected to provide comprehensive coverage of selected topical developments in international taxation. Upcoming issues will deal with highly topical developments in international taxation, such as tax treaty arbitration, the application of the principal purpose test, the interpretation of transfer pricing guidelines in the post-BEPS world and the application of the savings clause. ITAXS will open up even the most complex topics of international taxation to a broader audience – not necessarily composed of specialists – by providing context and critically highlighting the most significant issues arising from such developments.

A subscription to ITAXS can be ordered via email by contacting

About IBFD
IBFD is a leading international provider of cross-border tax expertise, with a long-standing history of supporting and contributing to tax research and academic activities. As an independent foundation, IBFD utilizes its global network of tax experts and its Knowledge Centre to serve Fortune 500 companies, governments, international consultancy firms and tax advisors. Headquartered in Amsterdam, IBFD has regional offices in Beijing, Washington and Kuala Lumpur. IBFD’s Library and Information Centre is widely regarded as the world's leading research facility in the field of international and comparative taxation.

Renowned as the leading expertise portal in the field of cross-border taxation and legislation, IBFD’s powerful Tax Research Platform allows tax practitioners around the world to access a wealth of reliable and valuable content, enabling faster and more effective work.

IBFD’s complete coverage further includes courses, journals and books, and a Master’s in International Tax Law (in collaboration with the University of Amsterdam). IBFD also offers government consultancy and individual client research services.

