Reporting of tradings in Tryg shares by Morten Hübbe and Johan Kirstein Brammer

Group CEO Morten Hübbe has purchased 6,100 Tryg shares at DKK 164.37 for at total amount of DKK 1,002,629 and 21,100 Tryg shares at DKK 164.87 for a total amount of DKK 3,478,848 on 22 January 2019. Group CCO Johan Kirstein Brammer has purchased 12,907 Tryg shares at DKK 165.01 for a total amount of DKK 2,129,796 on 22 January 2019.


Pièces jointes

2019.01.22 Transaction statement, Morten Hübbe and Johan Kirstein Brammer