RealManage Houston Earns Top Industry Professional Credential

Houston, TX, Jan. 29, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- RealManage Houston recently joined an elite group of community association management companies that have earned the Accredited Association Management Company (AAMC®) credential from Community Associations Institute (CAI). RealManage Houston is one of fewer than 250 management companies worldwide who have earned the highest level of professional recognition in the community association management field.

“I am proud of our Houston team’s commitment to always improving as qualified and dedicated professionals that manage community associations.”, states RealManage’s President, Chris Ayoub.
RealManage’s Houston branch has been in operation since 2005. Since that time the branch has grown significantly and now manages approximately 100 associations with 23 employees. The market was also recently named to the 2018 Business Journal’s Best Places to Work list.

Sandra Vela Mora, PCAM®, Houston Senior Vice President/Market Leader, states, “Our Team could not be more proud of achieving this distinguished accreditation and we see it as a testament to the hard work and dedication that led to a spectacularly successful year!”

CAI is an international organization dedicated to building better communities. More than 62 million Americans live in an estimated 315,000 association-governed communities.

To earn the AAMC credential, a management company must have three years of experience in community association management and at least 50 percent of its managers must have earned professional designations.

“Professionals who earn CAI credentials maximize the value they can provide to their community association clients,” said CAI Chief Executive Officer Thomas M. Skiba, CAE. “Not only have these professionals demonstrated a personal commitment to self-improvement, but they have also elevated their practical knowledge and expertise. That’s what all community associations need, and what board members and residents deserve.” 

Professional managers provide administrative, operational and managerial counsel to community association boards. Managers typically are responsible for managing budgets and contractors, directing association personnel and overseeing compliance with association covenants and restrictions.

CAI and its 60 chapters work on behalf of the professionals and volunteers engaged in the management and governance of homeowner and condominium associations, cooperatives and other planned communities. CAI’s 31,000-plus members include community association volunteer leaders, managers, management companies, and businesses that provide products and services to these communities.

Learn more about CAI at

