Thought Leaders at Secure Technology Alliance’s 12th Annual Payments Summit to Take Dive Deep into Contactless, Transit, e-Commerce Payments Trends

Highly-anticipated payments conference heads to Phoenix in March, joins with U.S. Payments Forum Member Meeting for cross-industry perspectives

PRINCETON JUNCTION, N.J., Jan. 29, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- What technologies are having the biggest impact on payments in the U.S.? How is digital identity changing to improve payments security online? What does the future hold for mobile and contactless payments? Top-level payments executives from all sectors of the payments industry will answer these questions and more at the Secure Technology Alliance’s 12th Annual Payments Summit, coming to Phoenix this March.

The Payments Summit is the only payments event providing practical, actionable information that can be used to develop strategies for implementing trending or new payments technologies. The 2019 event will be held jointly with the U.S. Payments Forum Member Meeting March 11-14 at the Hyatt Regency Phoenix, Arizona.

All payments industry leaders, including global and domestic payment networks, financial institutions, retailers, processors, mobile wallets providers, FinTech and other payments industry technology and service providers, card and reader manufacturers, industry organizations and independent consultants are encouraged to attend.

Early registration discounts for the conference and hotel are available until February 16, 2019. For more details and to register, visit

The Payments Summit will kick off the opening-day with plenary keynote sessions featuring industry experts of leading payments transaction infrastructures: EMV chip, mobile, retail, digital and transit payments, and identity and authentication in payments.

The opening day keynote presentations and discussion panel topics reflect the depth and breadth of the payments trends and issues impacting the U.S. market. They include:

  • Tap to Pay Momentum in the U.S. – Dan Sanford, Visa
  • Digital Transformation in the Payments Industry – Krista Tedder, Javelin Strategy & Research
  • Moving Money Fast, Safe, and Easy Using P2P – Laura Weinflash, Early Warning
  • Understanding Faster Payments and Faster Settlement Trends – Gene Neyer, ICON Solutions
  • A Playbook for Digital Identification, Authentication, and Payments – Moderator: Nick Norman, Consult Hyperion; Panelists: Andrew Shikiar, FIDO Alliance; and Walter Beisheim, Project Verify
  • Future of Transit Payments – Moderator: Brin Owen, Jacobs Engineering Group Incorporation, CH2M; Panelists: Robin O’Hara, LA Metro; Tina Morch-Pierre, DART; Carol Kuester, Metropolitan Transportation Commission; David deKozan, Cubic Transportation Systems; and Jennifer Dogin, Mastercard
  • U.S. Payments Forum Panel - A Multi-Stakeholder View of Fraud in Retail Payments – Panelists: Robin Trickel, American Express; Steven Cole, Worldpay; and Manish Nathwani, SHAZAM

On the second and third day of the Payments Summit, four separate educational tracks with over 100 speakers will cover current and future payments solutions, technology, and transportation payments. To see the full agenda of topics that will be covered, visit:

The final day of the event will offer optional add-on educational opportunities for attendees. There will be a full-day Biometrics in Payments Workshop hosted by the Digital Innovation Alliance, the former Latin America and Caribbean chapter of the Secure Technology Alliance. There will also be a full-day CSCIP/Payments Training class for individuals seeking a professional certification in payments security. The training class is open to allow anyone to attend and audit the class, without the additional commitment to purchase and complete the training documentation and exam necessary for the certification. An additional fee and registration are required for both add-on sessions.

The Payments Summit provides unique promotional opportunities for companies in the payments industries to showcase their products and services to a receptive audience of decision-makers. For sponsorship and exhibition information, visit or contact Bryan Ichikawa,

For continuing updates on the Payments Summit and related topics, follow @SecureTechOrg on Twitter and use #PaymentsSummit to participate in the conversation.

TWEET THIS: What technologies are changing #payments? How is digital ID improving payments #security online? What is the future of #mobile + #contactless payments? Industry experts will answer these questions at the 2019 #PaymentsSummit March 11-14. More agenda info:

About the Secure Technology Alliance
The Secure Technology Alliance is the digital security industry’s premier association. The Alliance brings together leading providers and adopters of end-to-end security solutions designed to protect privacy and digital assets in payments, mobile, identity and access, healthcare, transportation and the emerging Internet of Things (IoT) markets.

The Alliance’s mission is to stimulate understanding, adoption and widespread application of connected digital solutions based on secure chip and other technologies and systems needed to protect data, enable secure authentication and facilitate commerce.

The Alliance is driven by its U.S.-focused member companies. They collaborate by sharing expertise and industry best practices through industry and technology councils, focused events, educational resources, industry outreach, advocacy, training and certification programs. Through participation in the breadth of Alliance activities, members strengthen personal and organizational networks and take away the insights to build the business strategies needed to commercialize secure products and services in this dynamic environment.

For more information, please visit

Megan Shamas or Adrian Loth
Montner Tech PR

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