Announcement of redemption of minority shareholders in egetæpper a/s pursuant to sections 70 and 72 of the Danish Companies Act

On behalf of Carpet Holding A/S we hereby, in accordance with sections 70 and 72 of the Danish Companies Act, publish the attached notice of redemption of minority shareholders in egetæpper a/s. Enclosed are in addition a statement of the Board of Directors of egetæpper a/s and an acceptance form to be used for the transfer of shares.

The documents are enclosed in a Danish version.

Given that the compulsory acquisition will result in Carpet Holding A/S becoming the sole owner of all A and B shares in egetæpper a/s, the Board of Directors of egetæpper a/s will apply Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S for deleting the B shares from trading and official listing on Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S. If the application is accepted, the last trading day for the B shares is expected to be 8 March 2019. This application will replace the Board’s application for delisting of 16 January 2019.

Sincerely yours,
egetæpper a/s

Ebbe Malte Iversen
Chairman of the Board


Pièces jointes

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