Change in number of shares and votes

21 February 2019

Announcement no. 290

Directed share issue in Rovsing A/S

Rovsing A/S has today raised DKK 3,1 million in a directed share issue.

The Board of Directors in Rovsing is pleased to announce that Rovsing has completed a directed share issue of new shares amounting to 8,4% of the current share capital and equivalent to 35.647.499 new shares. The capital increase will further strengthen the capital structure of the company and support the company´s strategy of further growth.

The subscription has taken place at a price of DKK 0,08556 per share, which is based on the average trading price of Rovsing shares on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen over the closing price of the 3 trading days prior to the 18-20 of February 2019 and taking the liquidity and volatility of the share into consideration.

The new shares were placed with the following existing shareholders in Rovsing: Catpen A/S, Brancor Capital Partners ApS, Klaus Zwisler and Jean Dühring.

Further information
Rovsing A/S, Michael Hove, Chairman; Tel. 28126609


Pièces jointes

Announcement290_Change in number of shares