“TEN Steps to Global Happiness Challenge” United Nations International Day of Happiness (UNIDOHappiness) 2019 campaign launches today

United Nations International Day of Happiness (UNIDOHappiness) 2019 campaign launches today calling on all people and nations to celebrate happiness day by completing the “Ten Steps to Global Happiness” challenge at happinessday.org

New York, New York, March 19, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ---  For Immediate release

“TEN Steps to Global Happiness” United Nations International Day of Happiness (UNIDOHappiness) campaign launches today

New York, NY, - March 18, 2019: United Nations International Day of Happiness (UNIDOHappiness) launches the “TEN Steps to Global Happiness” challenge campaign today calling on all people, and nations, to celebrate International Day of Happiness on March 20, 2019 by taking the “TEN Steps to Global Happiness” challenge at happinessday.org.

The #InternationalDayOfHappiness was established in 2012, when all 193 Member states adopted UN resolution 66 281:“International Day Of Happiness”. The first International Day of Happiness was celebrated on March 20, 2013.

Every year since, more than 7 billion people across the planet share in celebrating this special day, through social media, local, national, global, and virtual events, UN related ceremonies and campaigns, and independent celebrations around the world, consistent with Article 2 of UN resolution 66 281, and the spirit of UN resolution 65 309.

“Happiness is contagious. The TEN Steps to Global Happiness are 10 steps anyone can take to celebrate the International Day of Happiness, with the idea of increasing individual happiness, as well as, spreading happiness to others, while also elevating global happiness levels by making the planet vibrate, with our common celebration of happiness, in honor of this special day we all share together as fellow members of the great human family,” said Jayme Illien, UNIDOHappiness founder.

The first step in the Ten Steps To Global Happiness challenge is “Tell Everyone” about the International Day of Happiness, with the goal of informing as many people as possible about the existence of this UN sanctioned International Day of Happiness which recognizes happiness as a human right for all, and which is in its seventh year of celebration.

A perfect and simple way to complete this first step of the challenge is by wishing everyone you encounter during the March 20 International Day of Happiness a ‘Happy International Day of Happiness’ – just like you would wish someone Happy Birthday. This brightens the day of both the greeter, and the recipient, while at the same time building more awareness about the International Day of Happiness.

If you are a journalist, media, we urge you to complete Step 1 by writing and publishing articles and content about the International Day of Happiness
Another step of the #TenStepsToGlobalHappiness challenge is to celebrate International Day of Happiness and HappinessWeek at local, national, global, and/or virtual events around the world.

Here are some of the International Day of Happiness events resources for this Happiness Week:

  1. https://HappinessDay.org (UNIDOHappiness): Complete the #TenStepsToGlobalHappiness challenge for the 2019 #InternationalDayOfHappiness. Make it through all 10 steps to increase your own happiness while spreading happiness to others, and helping to elevate global happiness levels. Download & share the UN “happiness” resolutions, our logo and social media kits to spread even more joy, fun, and awareness! #INTERNATIONALDAYOFHAPPINESS
  1. https://DayofHappiness.net : (March 20, 2019)  "Happier Together" campaign celebrates the importance of relationships, and togetherness, and how important it is rediscover our common humanity at a time of such polarisation in our societies - coordinated in partnership with Action for Happiness. Visit https://dayofhappiness.net  to access the World Happiness Report and more great resources to celebrate the International Day of Happiness.
  1. 1st World Happiness Agora (March 18-22):  5 days of virtual events, 5 major topics including the Future Happiness and Wellbeing, with respect to Health, Technologies, Education, Future of Work, and more, as well as over 30- live events, 10,000 people and you! Become an Agora host! Visit https://happinessagora.world/
  1. United Nations: a great resource for  http://www.un.org/en/events/happinessday/ information about the International Day of Happiness 
  1. World Happiness Report:The World Happiness Report is a landmark survey of the state of global happiness. The World Happiness Report  ranks 156 countries by their happiness levels and will launching at the United Nations and online on March 20. http://worldhappiness.report/
  1. Global Happiness Policy Report - of the Global Happiness Council is a report by expert working groups on happiness and good governance, and provides evidence and policy recommendations on best practices to promote happiness and wellbeing. The first version was released in 2017 under the auspices of the Global Happiness and Well-being Council, chaired by Professor Jeffrey Sachs and supported by the Prime Minister’s Office of the United Arab Emirates, and the leadership of Her Excellency UAE Minister of Happiness  Ohood bint Khalfan Al Roumi. The GHPR is a companion report to the World Happiness Report, was presented at World Government Summit held in Dubai, and can be found at www.happinesscouncil.org

For the remaining #TENStepsToGlobalHappinessChallenge, visit happinessday.org !

Register your event to post on happinessweek.com

Press, Media, Journalists  contact press@happinessday.org

