CCIM Report Details Revolution Taking Place in CRE Analysis and Valuation

Chicago, April 02, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CCIM Institute Chief Economist K.C. Conway, in partnership with the Alabama Center for Real Estate at the University of Alabama, released a special report entitled “Long May You Run – An Essential Commercial Real Estate Tuneup” that details a new model for success in the face of big data, e-commerce, and the sharing economy.

Disruptive companies such as Amazon, WeWork, and Airbnb are changing the way we use, analyze, and value property. So, which traditional property measures require rethinking? The short answer: all of them.

The industry is behind the curve in recognizing and developing the measures, analytical tools, and valuation models needed to underwrite and advise investors in response to the ever-evolving landscape. Today, new metrics and analytical tools are needed by lenders, investors, and property owners alike.

“As a result of unprecedented advances in data and technology, the tools, devices, techniques, and resources commercial real estate practitioners relied upon decades ago – or even last year – can and have become obsolete,” says Conway. “Whether you’ve been in commercial real estate three years or 30, the only way to stay relevant is to leverage these new data sources and technology in your valuations, analyses, and site selection.”

In addition to a Top 10 list of resources, the white paper answers some critical questions including:

  • What data providers are more reliable than the government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics?
  • Is there a comprehensive “CliffsNotes” to the economy for the industry?
  • How to adjust to e-commerce’s impact in both the retail and warehouse sectors?
  • What are the myriad new metrics to consider in today’s retail environment?
  • Why is logistics infrastructure just as important as workforce in site selection?
  • How is coworking injecting an element of going-concern value into office properties?
  • Is there a threshold occupancy by WeWork that adversely impacts an office building’s value?
  • How do local governments need to recalibrate to translate these changes into economic growth for their city or state?
  • How will blockchain and AI change the future of commercial real estate?

What’s more, the new tools and data resources available to tackle these challenges are coming from unlikely sources, like LinkedIn, Verizon, the National Center for the Middle Market, and a host of other consumer companies that have synthesized privately collected big data.

“This report speaks to the heart of CCIM Institute’s mission. ‘The secret to enduring success in commercial real estate is simple – never stop learning, never become complacent,’” says 2019 CCIM Institute President Barbara Crane, CCIM. “This ethos drives the institute’s comprehensive leading-edge education programs and thought leadership offerings and why so many in the commercial real estate industry have come to rely on us to fuel the engines of their enduring success.”

The full 1Q2019 report can be downloaded for free at


About CCIM Institute

CCIM Institute created the language of global real estate investment. Our courses and worldwide community deploy commercial real estate investment methodologies and tools that speed the pathway between opportunity, a go/no-go decision, and success for an asset, taught by instructors who are themselves industry leaders. Today, the organization, through its 50 chapters, continues to innovate best practices and elevate the commercial real estate professional through its core designation program to earn the CCIM pin — real estate’s most coveted credential — and its topical education courses offered through the Ward Center for Real Estate Studies. In addition, membership in CCIM includes the industry’s best technology and operational platform, allowing entrepreneurial and mid-sized businesses to compete with the largest multinational providers. Today, almost 70 percent of designees hold the title of owner, partner, principal, or president, representing an exclusive worldwide referral network of 13,000 members in 30 countries. Ultimately, CCIM represents a larger vision of the commercial real estate provider, leveraging investment analysis, opinions of value, and underwriting to become a leader in sourcing capital, building a cash-flow vehicle, and ultimately creating value. Information at

About the Alabama Center for Real Estate

The Alabama Center for Real Estate is housed within the University of Alabama’s Culverhouse College of Business. ACRE is organized to provide national thought leadership and relevant resources in the areas of research, education, and outreach that enhance Alabama’s real estate industry. The heart of ACRE is advancing relationships by providing servant leadership with a passionate, adaptable, and humble spirit. It was established by legislative act in 1996 with the support and guidance of its founding partners, the Alabama REALTORS®, the Alabama Real Estate Commission, and the University of Alabama. For more information, visit

