Inspirata Introduces New Artificial Intelligence Tool-Sets for UK Market at European Congress on Digital Pathology

Visit stand 5 at the European Congress on Digital Pathology to explore how Inspirata assists healthcare institutions utilise big-data and artificial intelligence to inform our collective understanding of cancer.

London, UK, April 11, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cancer informatics and digital pathology workflow solution provider Inspirata® Europe Ltd today revealed their intention to bring two new artificial intelligence tools for surveillance, structuring and reporting of pathology diagnoses to the UK and Ireland markets.  This announcement coincides with Inspirata’s scheduled participation in the European Congress on Digital Pathology (ECDP), Warwick UK from April 11th-13th 2019.

The two solutions, Abrevio™ and E-Path Reporter, draw on artificial intelligence in the guise of natural language processing (NLP) and are designed to assist healthcare providers normalise and make inferences on the often unstructured and messy clinical notes held in numerous disparate silos within their institution.  While this is the first time Abrevio™ and E-Path Reporter have been made available in the UK and Ireland, the solutions are utilised daily at over 400 institutions across North America and Australia.  Their UK release also comes just weeks after The Topol Review, an independent report commissioned on behalf of the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, cited natural language processing as one of the top ten healthcare advances projected to have the greatest impact on the National Health Service.  

“The benefits in graduating to digital pathology can typically be grouped into two distinct types,” explains Inspirata EVP & Co-Founder, Dr. Mark Lloyd.  “The first type is the significant operational gains and savings a laboratory will realise in eradicating the inefficiencies which plague the traditional analogue histopathology workflow.  However, the second and arguably more exciting benefits surround the rich data-set generated through digitisation and the opportunity it represents when combined with AI technologies such as NLP to capture and structure additional clinical information.  Together, digital pathology and NLP provide novel and important insights to help inform our understanding of cancer.” 

Mining histopathology big-data represents a near-term priority for many healthcare institutions as typified by Inspirata customer, Ohio State University (OSU), who earlier this year passed a globally significant milestone in successfully amassing an archive of over one million whole slide images.  “We’re looking for answers to some very specific questions,” says Dr. Anil Parwani of OSU and keynote speaker at ECDP. “Embracing digitisation while drawing on new tool-sets predicated on AI to really interrogate the data is the only scalable way for us to realise the kind of downstream advances in patient care we crave.”

Taking their cue from Congress’ thematic focus of accelerating clinical development, Inspirata will also be using ECDP 2019 to spotlight some of the very latest technical partnerships developed since fully opening Dynamyx™, their flagship diagnostics solution, to third-party integrations in May of last year.  “For many institutions being locked into one solution for all aspects of the digital pathology workflow is impractical, unwise and commercially wholly undesirable,” says Inspirata European GM Tim Wing. “It prevents cash-strapped departments from sweating existing hardware investments, while removing the freedom to choose their preferred blend of technologies based on the nuances of their laboratory.  With a promise to entertain integration into Inspirata’s ‘API Garden’ of all relevant providers, we encourage customers to BYO(M)D – bring your own (medical) device.“  The pressures on pathology departments are increasing.  Inspirata’s advanced workflow-centric tools, ‘open’ architecture and focus on the integration of minable information are critical enablers of digital adoption.

Located at stand 5 at European Congress on Digital Pathology, event attendees will be able to participate in interactive demonstrations of Inspirata’s Dynamyx digital pathology workflow software and to discuss how healthcare providers can go ‘beyond digital pathology’ to utilise AI and NLP tools including Abrevio™ and E-Path Reporter.  Abrevio’s™ primary use-case is in auto-abstracting terms from pathology reports and E-Path Reporter is the industry leading automated cancer reporting system.  

About Inspirata Europe Ltd.

Inspirata® Europe Ltd. provides oncology diagnostics workflow solutions that span digital pathology; diagnostic and predictive assays; and precision medicine. It also offers cancer informatics workflows that, in combination with its Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms structures unstructured case files and clinician notes to provide key insights for oncology-specific clinical and operational activities as well as cancer reporting. Inspirata’s flagship solution is its Cancer Information Data Trust (CIDT) that generates a longitudinal view of oncology patients—from diagnosis, through treatments and therapies, to outcomes. The CIDT has extensive applications in clinical decision support, research, education, drug discovery and clinical trials enrollment. Its use will extend to physicians, patients, researchers, pharma and others. For more information, please visit or contact



Pièces jointes

01-DS - Dynamyx for Pathologists.pdf 02-DS - Abrevio.pdf
