United Nations New Economic Paradigm Calls On All People & All Nations To Adopt “Happytalism” Over Capitalism On Occasion Of 49th Earth Day.

United Nations New Economic Paradigm Calls On All 7.6 Billion + People & All Nations To Adopt “Happytalism” Over Capitalism To Stop And Reverse Climate Change On Occasion Of 49th Earth Day.

New York, NY, April 22, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- United Nations New Economic Paradigm Calls On All 7.6 Billion + People & All Nations To Adopt “Happytalism” Over Capitalism To Stop And Reverse Climate Change On Occasion Of 49th Earth Day.  

(New York, NY, April 22, 2019) On Earth Day 2019, United Nations New Economic Paradigm is calling on all citizens and nations of Planet Earth to unite in making bold and swift paradigm shifts in their approach to sustainable economic and human development, as well as to daily life - by transitioning from capitalism to ‘happytalism’ - in order to halt and reverse the scourge of climate change before it is too late.

Today, billions around the world mark this 49th celebration of Earth Day as the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UNIPCC) reported just last year that only 12 years may be left to stave off potentially irreversible, exctinction level climate change.

The October 2018 UN IPCC report, along with UN Secretary General research commissioned for the 2019 Global Sustainable Development report, argue that stopping and reversing climate change will require rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society to be successful that will mean ending capitalism and replacing capitalism with a with a new economic paradigm.

“We need a plan to save us,” said former President of Ireland and former U.N. Special Envoy on Climate Change Mary Robinson, in a Time magazine interview. “We have a short window of time and a huge responsibility.

Fortunately for humanity, solving the global climate crisis, and more broadly, achieving all 17 of the UN’s Global Goals to save the planet, is exactly why the United Nations New Economic Paradigm Project was launched in 2009 in the wake of the 2007-2008 global financial crisis, and coinciding with the founding of happytalism in 2009 as a new economic genus and global development paradigm to replace capitalism.

In 2012, the United Nations held the first ever High Level Meeting on Happiness and Wellbeing: Defining a New Economic Paradigm, at which “a global movement was launched to create a new economic paradigm - one that has as its goal human happiness and the well being of all life on earth,“ and which directly calls for replacing capitalism and GDP based system with a happiness and wellbeing centered new economic development paradigm and philosophy to stop and reverse climate change.

The 2012 UN High Level Happiness as a New Economic Paradigm report recognizes (1) that the present GDP based system (ie capitalism) was devised prior to any knowledge of climate change or the finite limits of Earth’s resources, (2) that capitalism and the GDP based economic paradigm prioritizes material growth and consumption at the expense of nature, planet, and the future safety and survival of all humanity, and (3)  that the GDP based system of capitalism is responsible for depleting resources, degrading earth's ecosystems, accelerating greenhouse gas emissions, diminishing biodiversity, generating global economic insecurity, indebtedness, instability, and conflict.

The report of the 2012 UN High Level Meeting on Happiness and Wellbeing: Defining a New Economic Paradigm, along with UN resolution 65/309, further states that “extreme weather events are more frequent and severe, and adapting to changes in climate is now a reality,” and calls for “the elaboration of additional measures that better capture the importance of the pursuit of happiness and well-being in development with a view toward guiding their public policies” in order to stop and reverse climate change.

Founded in 2009, happytalism is the new economic genus and global development paradigm, which directly  integrates solving climate crisis into it's economic and political philosophical and modular approach as well as into daily life.

Happytalism embodies the spirit, values, principles, and outcomes of UN resolutions 65 309, and 66 281. Happytalism uniquely goes above and beyond old world and obsolete economic and political systems such as capitalism and socialism by proposing and advancing a philosophy that responds directly to the root causes of climate change and the confluence of global crises and opportunities facing all of humankind.

“Happytalism is supra and pan systemic, solving siloed crises and issues, such as climate change, as well as the broader need for a bold new economic and human development system and paradigm expressed over a decade ago, that addresses systemic and legacy issues, which exist as a result of the tyranny of the status quo and obsolete mindsets,” said Jayme Illien, founder of happytalism.

“Over the last few years, I have had the extraordinary pleasure and privilege of meeting with the world’s greatest thinkers, intellectuals, experts and practitioners in the field of happiness and well being, as well as climate change, sustainable development, and new economy public policy.  I’ve also had the tremendous joy of meeting and learning from thousands of people around the world who aspire to live happy and fulfilling lives, as well as the global CEOs and Presidents who have the task of dealing with the world’s great challenges such as stopping climate change and building a world with more happiness and less misery.  That is why we are calling on all nations and people to adopt happytalism as a new economic genus and global development paradigm to stop and reverse climate change once and for all,” said happytalism co-founder Luis Gallardo.

Happytalism is founded by Jayme Illien, founder and CEO of the United Nations New Economic Paradigm project, and the UN sanctioned International Day of Happiness (UNIDOHappiness), and co founder Luis Gallardo, founder of the World Happiness Agora, and the first Gross Global Happiness Executive Program program held at The United Nations University for Peace, an intergovernmental institution with university status, established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1980 and headquartered in Costa Rica.

Representatives from UN agencies and related organizations, from media, and from academia, among others, are encouraged to email hello@happytalism.com more information on the call for all nations and people to adopt happytalism, as a new economic genus and human development paradigm to stop and reverse climate change as humanity celebrates Earth Day 2019.

