Rolls-Royce Celebrates its Expanding Support of Reactor Refurbishment and Waste Management in Canada

The Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries (OCNI) is proud to congratulate Rolls-Royce Civil Nuclear Canada on its expanding role in supporting reactor refurbishments at Darlington and Bruce, as well as its contributions to current waste management initiatives at CNL’s Chalk River Laboratories.

Toronto, ON, April 26, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries (OCNI) is proud to congratulate Rolls-Royce Civil Nuclear Canada on its expanding role in supporting reactor refurbishments at Darlington and Bruce, as well as its contributions to current waste management initiatives at CNL’s Chalk River Laboratories. From its facility in Peterborough, Ontario, Rolls-Royce specializes in the design and manufacture of reliable, high integrity tooling, systems and components, for reactor operation, maintenance, refurbishment and waste management. Rolls-Royce is a key supplier to the reactor refurbishments at both Darlington and Bruce, and is also instrumental to important waste management initiatives at CNL’s Chalk River Laboratories. This local event celebrates Rolls-Royce’s recent accomplishments, current initiatives and upcoming contributions to the industry, and the benefits to the community of this continued growth in the nuclear sector.


“We are pleased to host our industry partners and key government supporters of our industry, to celebrate our long standing commitment to and our continued growth in the nuclear sector. Utilizing our local capabilities and expertise in the design and supply of custom systems and equipment for the nuclear industry, we have continued to grow and prosper in the Peterborough community. Instrumental to this growth has been our contribution to OPG’s and Bruce Power’s major initiatives to refurbish their Darlington and Bruce reactors, as well as our support of CNL’s significant legacy waste management programs at their Chalk River Laboratories site. We value the support that we have received from all levels of government in pursuing our growth objectives, and thank our major industry clients and for their continued trust in our ability to safely provide high quality, world class products and services for the continued operation, maintenance and refurbishment of our Canadian reactor fleet.”
Andy Collyer, General Manager, Rolls-Royce Civil Nuclear Canada

“Rolls-Royce is an incredible company and we are lucky to have it here in Peterborough. It is a key pillar of Peterborough that supports hundreds of direct and indirect jobs and families throughout our community. Our government will continue to work with and support Ontario’s partners in the nuclear industry to encourage prosperity and growth.”
Dave Smith, MPP for Peterborough-Kawartha

"Our government is working hard to create an environment where companies like Rolls-Royce Civil Nuclear Canada can continue to grow, thrive, and create good jobs. As a valued member of our province’s nuclear supply chain, Rolls Royce Civil Nuclear can be confident that Ontario is open for business and that our government is committed to their success.”
Donna Skelly, Parliamentary Assistant to Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade

"The City of Peterborough is proud to be home to a Rolls-Royce facility. Rolls-Royce Civil Nuclear Canada is an industry leader that provides high quality employment for Peterborough residents and directly benefits our community. On behalf of our City I would like to congratulate you on your success and wish you continued growth into the future."
Dianne Therrien, Mayor of Peterborough

“Rolls-Royce Civil Nuclear Canada is a key part of a vibrant Ontario and Canadian nuclear supply chain of companies that deliver innovative, high quality and cost-competitive products and services to our Ontario nuclear utilities, our national nuclear research center at Chalk River, and to offshore clients. I commend Rolls-Royce’s long-term commitment to the local Peterborough community through the creation of valuable and sustainable jobs.”   
Ron Oberth, President & CEO, OCNI

“For over 50 years, Rolls-Royce has been a world-leader in the nuclear power generation industry, with a highly skilled and innovative workforce. Rolls Royce is an important project partner on the Darlington Refurbishment project by meeting their commitment to delivering innovative tooling designs and parts, safely and on time. I congratulate Rolls-Royce on their recent expansion and look forward to our continued partnership.”
Gary Rose, Deputy Vice-President, Darlington Refurbishment Execution, OPG

"Rolls-Royce is a key supplier to the life-extension project at Bruce Power, which will ensure that Ontario families and businesses have access to low-cost, clean, reliable, while simultaneously supporting tens of thousands of jobs across the province for years to come," said Richard Horrobin, Vice President and Managing Director, Supply Chain. "I applaud Rolls-Royce for their ongoing support in enabling innovation, creating high-skilled jobs and driving economic growth, across Ontario and in the Bruce community. "
Richard Horrobin, Vice President & Managing Director, Supply Chain, Bruce Power

Rolls-Royce Nuclear Canada specializes in the design and manufacture of reliable, high integrity tooling, systems and components, for reactor operation, maintenance, refurbishment and waste management. Rolls-Royce is a key supplier to the reactor refurbishments at both Darlington and Bruce and is also instrumental to important waste management initiatives at CNL’s Chalk River Laboratories.

Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries (OCNI) is an association of more than 200 Canadian suppliers to the nuclear industry that employ more than 14,000 highly skilled and specialized engineers, technologists, and trades people. OCNI companies design reactors, manufacture major equipment and components, and provide engineering services and support to CANDU nuclear power plants in Canada as well as to CANDU and Light Water Reactor (LWR) plants in offshore markets.



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01-Rolls-Royce - OCNI News Release Apr 26.pdf
