HSLDA Seeks Urgent Court Action for Jailed Cuban Parents

Purcellville, VA, April 29, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

In response to the unjust imprisonment of the Rigal Exposito family for exercising their right to educate their own children in Cuba, the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) and the Global Liberty Alliance (GLA) have formally requested that the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) grant a “precautionary measure” in favor of the Rigal Exposito family in Cuba.

The Rigal Exposito family is under severe political and religious persecution by the Cuban regime. Pastor Ramon Rigal Rodriguez and his wife, Adya Exposito Leyva, have been harassed, intimidated, and imprisoned. Their children, Ruth Rigal Exposito (age 13) and Joel Rigal Exposito (age 9), are at risk of being taken into State custody from the family members who are caring for them.

A total of six Cuban parents have been incarcerated for terms ranging from 1-3 years because of their decisions to homeschool their children in accordance with their religious and philosophical convictions. Furthermore, independent lawyer Roberto Jesus Quinones Haces, who attempted to observe the proceedings, was arbitrarily detained and severely beaten by police. 

Michael Donnelly is Senior Counsel and Director of Global Outreach for HSLDA. 

“These families and Attorney Quinones Haces were subjected to gross violations of their basic human rights by the Cuban government. HSLDA welcomes the support of the Global Liberty Alliance and will continue to advocate for the Rigal Exposito family and others who have been imprisoned over their decision to educate their children in accordance with their religious beliefs. Homeschooling is not a crime – it is a right,” he said.

Jason Poblete is Chief Counsel for the Global Liberty Alliance

“As this case makes clear, there is no respect of fundamental rights or the rule of law in Cuba. Lawyers are, first and foremost, agents of justice and should not be targeted for advocating for their clients. The GLA commends the HSLDA for its work to defend the victims’ right to decide how their children are educated and lawyers have a right to expect to be treated with decency and dignity,” he said.

The Home School Legal Defense Association is a member-supported non-profit based in Purcellville, VA dedicated to making homeschooling possible everywhere for everyone. For more information on the case, visit www.hslda.org/rigal. For media requests, contact Helaina Bock at helainab@hslda.org

The Global Liberty Alliance (GLA) is a non-profit headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia and defends fundamental individual rights, free enterprise, and the rule of law. Alliance attorneys, public policy professionals, and academics in the United States and in other nations collaborate on matters to help advance the public interest and defend fundamental rights and liberty.



