Technical Safety BC publishes its 2018 Annual Report

Vancouver, Canada, April 29, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Technical Safety BC has published its 2018 Annual Report, which communicates the organization’s financial performance and corporate achievements based on its strategic objectives outlined in their 2018-2020 Business Plan and in alignment with their 10-Year Strategy.

“In 2018 we worked to make sure our clients could connect with us in newer and easier ways, whether that was making improvements to our online mobile applications, or improving connections between clients and our valued safety officers,” said President and CEO, Catherine Roome.

“We also created new education materials, with an emphasis on emerging and known hazards, including ammonia refrigeration, escalator brake maintenance, and large electrical services,” continued Roome.

Technical Safety BC issues its Annual Report each year in accordance with the Administrative Agreements between the organization and the Province of British Columbia, and as part of its commitment to transparency.

In 2018 Technical Safety BC created value for both clients and stakeholders in the following ways:

  • Using machine-assisted assessments to predict where hazards are most likely to exist within British Columbia, enabling our employees to focus on where they can make the biggest safety impact.
  • Using statistical sampling plans to generate safety insights five to 10 times faster, than their conventional approach using statistical sampling plans. These enable safety programs to be developed much faster, therefore reducing potential harm.
  • Enhancing systems for tracking and following up on key safety system records such as aging non-compliances, accounts receivable, and expired permits, while increasing the number of client services delivered online.
  • Formalizing strategic relationships and sharing data with local governments administrating portions of the Safety Standards Act to gain greater insights into technical safety across British Columbia.
  • Pioneering a process to administer power engineering credentials from outside Canada, providing opportunities for internationally-trained power engineers to work in British Columbia.

View the full 2018 Annual Report at:


About Technical Safety BC
Technical Safety BC (formerly BC Safety Authority) is an independent, self-funded organization that oversees the safe installation and operation of technical systems and equipment. In addition to issuing permits, licences and certificates, it works with industry to reduce safety risks through assessment, education and outreach, enforcement, and research. For more information, visit



