HX Global SVP of Business Operations Attends Event Hosted by HRH Prince Charles of Wales

Tim Crockett was present for the launch of HRH appeal to raise £10 million for Combat Stress

LONDON, May 20, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- HX Global’s Senior Vice President of Operations, Tim Crockett, had the honor of being invited to attend an event hosted by HRH Prince Charles of Wales at St. James Palace on May 13, 2019. The event was centered around the launch of the Combat Stress “At Ease” program. Combat Stress is the UK’s leading charity for veterans’ mental health. For a century, the organization has helped former servicemen and women struggling with mental health issues such as anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

It was at this event on the first day of Mental Health Awareness Week—that Prince Charles announced an appeal to raise £10 million for the charity over the next three years. During the speech, His Royal Highness said, “Right now, Combat Stress has more demand for its services than it can meet, and that is why we are here today. The mission of Combat Stress is to be there for every veteran who seeks their help, so that they can get the right care, at the right time, and in the right place. 

“It gives me great pleasure, therefore, to launch the ‘At Ease’ Appeal. Through this Appeal, we shall be able to introduce new services and innovative treatments that will be accessible to more Veterans than ever before.”

HX Global’s Tim Crockett is a veteran and native of Hereford, England; he currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia. Tim was successful in joining the British Royal Marine Commandos in 1990 following a couple of winter deployments in Norway and serving in the First Gulf War. He spent a decade as a member of the Special Boat Service (SBS) – the British equivalent to the Navy SEALs.

Tim was invited to attend this event following his own efforts to raise awareness around veteran mental health and funds for Combat Stress. He rowed 3,000 miles solo across the Atlantic Ocean for the cause in December of 2018.

When asked about his attendance at the event, Tim said, “I’m very honored to have been invited to the launch of the ‘At Ease’ appeal and grateful for the chance to be in the company of such a diverse and passionate group of supporters. To be part of something so important is a privilege. The knowledge that my row across the Atlantic has helped a fellow veteran(s) get the help they so desperately and deservedly need is incredibly rewarding.”

Healix International/HX Global was the headline sponsor of Tim’s row for veteran mental health. The HX Global team provides medical, security and travel assistance to some of the world’s most well-known corporations, governments and NGO’s.

If you would like to learn more about Combat Stress or Tim’s efforts around veteran mental health, you can reach out directly to tim.crockett@hx-global.com.

