The customer satisfaction survey realized in March and April 2019 is now completed and Isovital is rated 17,77 out of 20 by its clients, increasing by 0,43 point its 2017 result.”.
Philippe Sueur, Isovital President stated: « I’m pleased with this positive evolution of the quality of our service from our customers standpoint and I thank them all. These results reflect the level of our commitments and I congratulate our teams and partners as well. We still have progress to make and we work hard continuously to keep on increasing our services quality not only within Isovital, but also on the other RLG companies”.
Radio Pharma Logistics Group (RLG) consists in the following companies: Isovital, Isolife and Isotopes Services International (ISI), all ISO 9001 V2015 certified. The companies of the RLG group are specialized in A and B type transportation, in radiopharmaceuticals and sensitive materials shipments for national and international organizations. Since their foundation in 2005, Isovital and Isolife have had a constant evolution. At the end of 2017, RLG expanded with the acquisition of Isotopes Service International, in Belgium (ISI). In 2018, more than 11 million patients received their care thanks to the actions of the RLG companies.
Contact RLG : Sandra Roque-Verhoye
+33 (0) 3 20 16 02 49