Aimco Volunteers Support Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Councilmember-At-Large Derek Green joins Aimco team members at Karabots Pediatric Care Center Garden in West Philadelphia.

Philadelphia, PA, June 05, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Continuing its long-standing commitment to building community, Apartment Investment and Management Company (Aimco) volunteers beautified the vegetable garden at the Nicholas and Athena Karabots Pediatric Care Center, a primary care location for Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

Spearheaded by its philanthropic arm, Aimco Cares, more than thirty Aimco team members equipped with paintbrushes, buckets, gloves, trash bags, and gallons of paint volunteered to beautify the garden that offers space for community-based children’s programs and yields over 1,000 pounds of produce each year. The team was joined by City of Philadelphia Councilmember-At-Large Derek Green.

“An important part of building healthy communities is support from partners, like Aimco,” said Councilmember-At-Large Derek Green. “They are investing in our economy and investing time into our communities, helping us to build a stronger Philadelphia.”

Through the Aimco Cares program, each Aimco team member is given fifteen hours of paid time annually to apply toward a volunteer activity in their local community. Aimco teams across the country devote thousands of service hours each year in partnership with local nonprofit organizations and community service providers.

“Aimco takes its commitment to be a good neighbor seriously,” said Kevin Mosher, Aimco’s Area Vice President of Operations. “Giving back through Aimco Cares to the communities where we do business is one of our core values as a company. We are so pleased to be serving Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, another organization that provides exceptional assistance delivered by a team that cares.”

Food grown at the garden is used for activities at the Karabots Center and shared with families that are part of CHOP’s Healthy Weight Program and Early Head Start Program, a comprehensive early childhood development and family support program based at the Karabots Center.

In addition to offering a tranquil place to relax before and after appointments, the garden hosts a variety of educational programming and community events. A favorite activity is CHOP’s Books and Cooks Series, which features story hours for children and healthy food preparation demonstrations using produce from the garden.

“We are grateful for the Aimco volunteers’ commitment to child health and wellness,” said Peter Grollman, Senior Vice President for External Affairs at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.  “The garden has become a special place for learning and fun – and a source for wholesome, fresh foods that promote good nutrition to children and families in our community. It’s important that we maintain this treasure for years to come and we thank Aimco volunteers for helping us make that possible.” 


About Aimco

Aimco is a real estate investment trust that is focused on the ownership and management of quality apartment communities located in the largest markets in the United States.  Philadelphia is a primary market for Aimco, which owns and manages nine apartment communities and more than 2,700 apartment homes in the area.  Aimco is one of the country's largest owners and operators of apartments with 129 communities in 17 states and the District of Columbia. Aimco common shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol AIV and are included in the S&P 500. For more information about Aimco, please visit our website at


Aimco teammates and Philadelphia Councilmember-At-Large Derek Green beautified the vegetable garden at the Karabots Pediatric Care Center.
