Top Five Ways to ‘Get Fit’ With Parks and Recreation

America celebrates Family Health & Fitness Day, Saturday, June 8

Ashburn, Va., June 05, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

Saturday, June 8, 2019, is Family Health & Fitness Day, and the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) invites everyone to "Get Fit" With Parks and Recreation by participating in one of these health-focused, family-friendly activities that benefit people of all ages year-round:

  • Take a Walk 
    • 75 percent of park and rec agencies provide walking trails
  • Go for a Swim
    • 69 percent of park and rec agencies provide areas for swimming
  • Enroll in a Fitness Program
    • 78 percent of park and rec agencies offer fitness classes
  • Create Your Own Exercise Routine
    • Most park and rec agencies offer space to exercise — including indoor and outdoor fitness equipment
      • 57 percent of park and rec agencies have rec centers    
      • 55 percent of park and rec agencies have gyms
      • 38 percent of park and rec agencies have fitness centers
  • Play Outside 
    • 92 percent of park and rec agencies have playgrounds
      • 75 percent have baseball/softball fields
      • 83 percent have basketball courts
      • 55 percent have dog parks   

In addition, on June 8, 2019, at noon ET, NRPA challenges everyone to “Get Fit” With Parks and Recreation by doing a minute of jumping jacks (regular or modified) with family and/or friends at a local park or recreation center. Participants are encouraged to share photos and videos of the challenge online using the hashtag #NRPAFamilyFitDay.

“At NRPA, we strive to ensure communities everywhere have access to quality park and recreation amenities, including a variety of health- and wellness-focused programs and activities that strengthen people mentally and physically,” said Jack Kardys, chair, NRPA Board of Directors. “Family Health & Fitness Day is a great time to explore these offerings and spend time with family and friends, which is shown to improve people’s overall health and wellbeing.”

NRPA is proud to partner with Baltimore City Recreation & Parks, the Chicago Park District, Idaho Falls Parks & Recreation, Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces, Oklahoma City Parks and Recreation, and San Antonio Parks and Recreation to promote Family Health & Fitness Day. Community events are planned in Baltimore, Maryland; Chicago, Illinois; Miami, Florida; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; and other cities across the country.

Celebrated the second Saturday of June each year, Family Health & Fitness Day promotes the importance of parks and recreation in keeping communities active and healthy. Many communities host special events on this day, while others simply encourage their residents to visit a local park or recreation center where they can participate in a variety of family-friendly activities, such as walking, hiking, biking, kayaking, golfing, tennis and swimming.

Families and individuals participating in this year’s Family Health & Fitness Day are encouraged to share their photos online using the hashtag #NRPAFamilyFitDay.

Family Health & Fitness Day is sponsored by Greenfields Outdoor Fitness Equipment.

To learn more about Family Health & Fitness Day, visit  

To learn more about NRPA, visit


About the National Recreation and Park Association
The National Recreation and Park Association is a national not-for-profit organization dedicated to ensuring that all Americans have access to parks and recreation for health, conservation and social equity. Through its network of 60,000 recreation and park professionals and advocates, NRPA encourages the promotion of healthy and active lifestyles, conservation initiatives and equitable access to parks and public space. For more information, visit For digital access to NRPA’s flagship publication, Parks & Recreation, visit


NRPA Family Health & Fitness Day Top 5 Ways to "Get Fit" With Parks and Recreation
