8 New Features That Will Change How You Buy Tickets

TicketCity Increases Transparency and Easy of Use with Latest Event Page Update

Austin, TX, June 25, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

When it comes to purchasing tickets to your favorite teams’ big game or the hottest musicians new tour dates the choices can seem endless. With all the options available it can be overwhelming and difficult to find the right tickets to fit your needs.

We’ve just updated our ticket buying experience to make it easier to find the best tickets for you. In fact, over our first two months after release we’ve seen double-digit increases in Event Page conversion rates. Proof that this is our best experience yet. Here’s what’s new:

The Section Group

Section groups are a group of sections that all share a similar location inside the venue. Each section group will tell you the number of tickets available and give you a price range or seats. See which area of the venue is best suited for you and your guests. Don’t spend time shuffling through every ticket for the event.

Once you have decided on a section group you will be able to compare all sections within that group. Each section displays its number of tickets available, a price range, and in some cases an image of the view from that section making comparison shopping much less overwhelming.

Section Selection

When you find your desired section, you will be given a list of all the tickets in that section sorted by the cheapest price. Now you can really drill down and see which tickets are right for you. Comparing each ticket based on criteria like rows, e-tickets, price, and even an estimated ship date. Depending on the venue, an image depicting the view from that section and a map with section highlighted is shown. We want to make your decision easier by showing the most relevant information.

You will also notice a “similar sections” list at this point. This is a list of the other sections associated with the section group you selected, adding just another layer of comparison shopping to make sure you get the best tickets available.

In some cases, you may see a ticket that has a star rating. These star ratings are based on our 25+ years of experience selling tickets and are our recommended seats.

See All Tickets

While we are certain these new changes will make the ticket buying experience much easier, we do not shy away from the fact that sometimes you just want to see all the tickets at once. For those instances we have created an alternative “see all tickets” view that does just that. Toggling between this view and the section group view is as simple as clicking the “see all tickets” link under the filters.

In this mode, you can either go straight to checkout by selecting a ticket or compare each ticket in that section by selecting it on the map. If you choose the section on the map you will see the detailed view of tickets in that section as when you drill down from a section group.


We want to be transparent and show you service charge fee for your tickets before you check out. Pick this option in the filters to update all pricing on the page to include estimated fees. Unlike other ticket websites, you can view the full breakdown of tickets and fees without logging in or sharing personal information.

Similar Events

We have tried to make it easier to navigate between multiple events by adding a list of similar events to the one you are viewing. They could be events at the same venue or just featuring the same team/artist.

Summary Screen

Regardless of the route you take to find the tickets that best suit your needs, there’s one final step. We call the experience the “summary screen”. Here you will get all the information regarding your selection in one place.




Profil de l'entrepriseTicketCityIndustrie: Specialized Consumer Services