For First Time, Federal Lawmakers Gather in Support of Hyperloop Technology on Capitol Hill

Virgin Hyperloop One Grows Roster of Bipartisan State and Federal Partners who Support Certification and Regulatory Investment in this New Form of Mass Transportation

Washington, D.C., Oct. 16, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Virgin Hyperloop One (VHO), the only hyperloop company in the world to successfully test its technology at scale, was on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. today showcasing its XP-1 test pod as part of its national roadshow to introduce the promise of hyperloop technology to people across the United States. 

As the company continues to broaden bipartisan support of its revolutionary transportation technology, Representatives from the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Troy Balderson (OH-12) and Bruce Westerman (AK-4), and Congressman Mike Turner (OH-10), Congressman Bob Gibbs (OH-7), and Congressman Billy Long (MO-7) today joined Virgin Hyperloop One Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer Josh Giegel in calling for greater support of innovative mass transit technology across the United States. 

“With hyperloop, we are launching the first new mode of mass transportation in over 100 years: one that is faster, cleaner and cheaper than ever before. When private innovators work hand in hand with lawmakers and policymakers at all levels of government, innovation thrives,” said Josh Giegel, Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer at Virgin Hyperloop One. “We are proud to have support from these federal lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, all who recognize that the future of our national, regional, and local economies hinges on advancing new, efficient forms of mass transit.”

“My community had the Wright Brothers. They came here [to Washington D.C.] and flew their new flying machine over the Capitol and the White House. Today you bring hyperloop to show us the next advance in transportation,” said Congressman Mike Turner

“It’s like a plane, it’s like a train, but it’s really neither one. Congress needs to act to come up with ways to develop safety protocols [for hyperloop]” said Congressman Bruce Westerman. 

“To go from Columbus to Chicago in 45 minutes is a big deal,” said Congressman Troy Balderson. “I look forward to working with you and your team to get this done.” 

“I’ve taken 60 of my constituents out to see this project. We’re really excited to be able to go from Kansas City to Columbia, Missouri – a little over 100 miles – in 15 minutes,” said Congressman Billy Long. “Technology like this is right around the corner.”

“Columbus to DC in about 30 minutes – that’s just a revolution of the transportation system,” said Congressman Bob Gibbs. “[Hyperloop] will connect all our metro urban centers in a really efficient way and will change the way we go about our daily business.” 

Building off of the momentum of U.S. Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao’s newly-formed Non-Traditional and Emerging Transportation Technology (NETT) Council to support new and innovative transportation projects like hyperloop and self-driving cars, Virgin Hyperloop One’s visit to Capitol Hill highlighted current U.S. hyperloop developments, including in Ohio, Missouri, Nevada, North Carolina and Texas, and provided updates on making these projects a reality.

The vision of the NETT Council is to develop and establish department-wide processes, solutions, and best practices to identify and manage non-traditional and emerging transportation technologies, to provide assistance to local and state governments, and to conduct research to better understand the safety and regulatory needs of these technologies. In May 2019, House Transportation and Infrastructure Chairman Peter DeFazio (D-OR) toured VHO’s full-scale test track outside of Las Vegas, adding him to the list of local and state officials who have shown interest in Virgin Hyperloop One’s technology.

U.S. Hyperloop Project Updates

North Carolina: The Regional Transportation Alliance (RTA) commenced an exploratory study to connect Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, and RDU International Airport near the Research Triangle Park to create a linchpin for a future hyperloop network across the southeastern U.S.

Texas: The Dallas-Fort Worth Regional Transportation Council has launched a hyperloop feasibility study of a Fort Worth to Laredo route and an environmental impact study along a Dallas to Fort Worth corridor. 

Midwest: The Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission is conducting a feasibility study of hyperloop technology along a Chicago-Columbus-Pittsburgh corridor, followed by components of an environmental impact statement along the same route. 

Missouri: The Missouri Hyperloop Coalition has released results from the first hyperloop feasibility study in the U.S. which confirmed the viability of a St. Louis to Kansas City route. 

Nevada: DevLoop, Nevada’s hyperloop test site, continues as an active test site.

XP-1 Test Pod on the Road

As cities across the country face increasing transportation challenges, such as extreme traffic congestion, vehicle emissions, long commute times and more, Virgin Hyperloop One has traveled across the United States this year to showcase its XP-1 test vehicle. VHO staff connected with communities and educated local and state governments on the tangible benefits of hyperloop. Virgin Hyperloop One’s technology would transport passengers and goods three times as fast as high-speed rail and enable regional cities to connect just as local city subways connect neighborhoods.

To date, Virgin Hyperloop One has made stops in Missouri, Kansas, Texas, Ohio, North Carolina, and New York to showcase its technology and competitive advantage when it comes to advancing America’s transportation technology capabilities.

Virgin Hyperloop One’s visionary technology features depressurized tubes that carry on-demand passenger or cargo pods at speeds of up to 670 miles per hour, powered by magnetic-levitation and electric propulsion. Its depressurized tube infrastructure eliminates the impacts of air-drag and friction, requiring less energy and cost to operate, and allows travel to occur at exceptionally high speeds. 

About Virgin Hyperloop One

Virgin Hyperloop One is the only company in the world that has successfully tested its hyperloop technology at scale, launching the first new mode of mass transportation in over 100 years. The company successfully operated a full-scale hyperloop vehicle using electric propulsion and electromagnetic levitation under near-vacuum conditions, realizing a fundamentally new form of transportation that is faster, safer, cheaper, and more sustainable than existing modes. The company is now working with governments, partners, and investors around the world to make hyperloop a reality in years, not decades. They currently have projects underway in Missouri, Texas, Colorado, the Midwest, India, and the UAE. Learn more about Virgin Hyperloop One’s technology, vision, and ongoing projects here.

Media Assets

To download high-resolution route maps and visuals of VHO technology, please click here.


Left to right: Congressman Bruce Westerman, Congressman Billy Long, Virgin Hyperloop One Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer Josh Giegel, Congressman Mike Turner, Congressman Bob Gibbs, and Congressman Troy Balderson spoke about hyperloop technology and its potential to transform mass transit in the United States.
