This woman lost 35 kilo (77 pounds) with the 123Diet, and it may have saved her life!

Australian woman Lynette May credits her drastic weight loss on the 123Diet with being able to discover her breast cancer

Florida, Oct. 23, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Lynette May’s struggle with her weight began when she was left with a saggy “spare tire” after having kids in her early 20s. Though she tried Weight Watchers, shakes, and even Atkins, nothing seemed to help her shed the pounds. She also found it difficult to exercise due to her arthritic “netball knees”, which carrying extra weight only worsened.

But when Lynette was told that she needed two knee replacements and that losing weight would make the operation easier, she finally realized that something had to change. Luckily, this is when an ad for the 123Diet popped up on Lynette’s newsfeed. Though she was skeptical at first, after she joined the support group and saw the amazing results so many people were finding on the 123Diet, Lynette decided to give it a shot—and proceeded to lose 35 kilos (77 pounds)!

Lynette went from a size 22 to a size 8, and she now weighs a healthy 53 kilo (116 pounds). She feels “superfit and healthy” and “66 years young”, and her specialist found that her knees have improved so much that the replacements were cancelled altogether! But her amazing weight loss did more than just change her dress size and spare her knees; it may have also saved her life.

After missing her scheduled mammogram in March, she noticed an abnormality on one of her breasts in May. “If I had not lost 35 kilo which included a heap of fat off my boobs I would never have felt the odd lumpy area.” Lynette says. 

“If I had gone to my breast screen in March I would have got my all clear letter 4-6 weeks later and when I felt something odd in my boob a couple of weeks later I would have most likely thought it was nothing.”

But since she hadn’t gotten a greenlight, she consulted her doctor, who referred her to a specialist. Though her mammogram was clear, an ultrasound revealed a ductal carcinoma. She promptly underwent a lumpectomy.

“My prognosis is good because it is still early stage and I don’t need chemo” Lynette says. However, scans did reveal that the malignancy had begun to spread to her lymph nodes, so even a slightly later detection could have been catastrophic.

Lynette is confident that she can maintain her new weight for life because she has fully adopted the healthy habits that the 123Diet has taught her, such as avoiding processed food in favor of fresh and limiting sugar and carbs.  Because it was so life-changing for her, she has made an effort to spread the word about the 123Diet as much she can. Her greatest success thus far has been with her sister Denise, who has now lost 48 kilos (105 pounds) herself!

