Reakiro Europe’s High-Quality CBD Products a Perfect Match to American Consumers Who Want Alternative Wellness Options

BOCA RATON, FL, Feb. 11, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The American consumer wants holistic and natural wellness alternatives.

“Today’s consumers want and seek out alternative wellness products,” said Sam Kearley, head of sales for Reakiro Europe, which makes high-quality CBD products. “Adding CBD to your wellness routine is a great option.”

That is exactly what people are doing.

“Just check CBD Google statistics. People are thirsting for information about CBD,” he said. “Millions of people are googling CBD. More than six million consumers searched for ‘CBD’ and ‘cannabidiol’ in one month last year.”

Reakiro’s CBD products are natural and holistic supplements for people to use.

“We use only Full Spectrum CBD with all the compounds found naturally in the plant, including terpenes, essential oils, and other cannabinoids,” he said.

Kearley said the full-spectrum range works to magnify the wellness benefits of each cannabinoid. “We call it the ‘entourage effect,” he added.

Reakiro soon will introduce four CBD supplements and two CBD skin and body care products to the U.S. market:

  • Full Spectrum, 5% CBD Oil
  • Full Spectrum, 15% CBD Oil
  • Full Spectrum CBD Spray with Peppermint
  • CBD Capsules with Black Pepper Extract
  • Goddess Sativa Nourishing Night Cream
  • Goddess Sativa Body Butter 

The bombardment of CBD products in the market makes it difficult for consumers to choose the brand best for them. Reakiro Europe is committed to developing the highest-quality CBD products.

“We produce the finest and purest CBD oil in the world,” he said. “All of our products are tested for impurities and toxins. This protocol guarantees the safety and high quality. Our prime mission is to develop the highest-quality CBD on the market. We want people to know our brand as the highest-quality full-spectrum CBD in the world.”

Reakiro’s secret to making the highest-quality CBD products is its control of the production line.

Kearley said Reakiro is a “seed to sale” manufacturer. 

“We oversee the entire production process from choosing seeds to packaging,” he added. “Reakiro controls the selection of the best flower strains, which are grown in the best climates conducive to CBD in Europe.”

For more information, check out Reakiro’s CBD products at



Reakiro soon will introduce four CBD supplements and two CBD skin and body care products to the U.S. market: 1) Full Spectrum, 5% CBD Oil 2) Full Spectrum, 15% CBD Oil 3) Full Spectrum CBD Spray with Peppermint 4) CBD Capsules with Black Pepper Extract 5) Goddess Sativa Nourishing Night Cream 6) Goddess Sativa Body Butter
