Intelligent Medical Objects updates: Coronavirus content, insights-focused products, and new partnerships

Chicago, March 09, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In light of the cancellation of the annual Health Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) meeting, Intelligent Medical Objects (IMO), the market leader in medical terminology products, today announced business updates that would have been highlighted at the meeting.

In 2020, IMO is putting a new stake in the ground by launching products in the critical healthcare insights space, a move that will help clinicians to deliver better outcomes and manage population health. IMO has a 25-year history in health information technology and, over the last year, has undergone many changes to its business operations. IMO streamlined its portfolio of products to offer clients a more comprehensive platform for terminology and documentation. Additionally, IMO recently opened a new headquarters facility in Rosemont, Illinois, new offices in downtown Chicago, and hired more than 50 new employees at all levels of the business. 

Coronavirus terminology release

IMO has been involved with the response to COVID-19, a new coronavirus, since it originated in China earlier this year. IMO’s medical terminology products are used in more than 4,500 hospitals around the country to accurately code and track medical diagnosis and in January, released 15 new descriptors to help clinicians more accurately record diagnoses related to COVID-19. The number of related terms has since grown to 136. 

IMO’s content update adds robust terminology for diagnoses related to the international public health emergency surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak, allowing providers to easily and accurately document the disease in affected patients. Emerging infections and new diseases often require new language in order for health systems to properly identify and respond to the threat, and IMO is uniquely positioned to ensure that the necessary terminology is quickly identified and disseminated throughout the US. Learn more here

IMO partners with Perspecta and the Regenstrief Institute to provide clinicians with integrated data for improved patient care

Finding and organizing critical patient data in order to make it actionable at the point of care is frustrating, time-consuming, and nonintuitive, which can limit meaningful interaction between doctor and patient. Built by physicians, IMO Precision Patient Summary is a clinical insights tool that integrates with electronic health records (EHRs) and enterprise data warehouses to provide clinicians with a contextualized summary of current and historical patient data. Using the product, problems are organized by disease category, and when a body system category or specific problem is selected​, relevant labs and medications are displayed in relation to that category or problem.

IMO has partnered with Perspecta and the Regenstrief Institute to integrate the IMO Precision Patient Summary capabilities within the clinical data viewers these organizations provide. For example, with Perspecta IMO will bring this technology to US Department of Veterans Affair’s medical centers and its patients across the country via Perspecta’s digital health platform: healthconcourse™. As a result, providers will be able to quickly review current and historical medications and determine if a patient qualifies for a non-formulary therapy.  

 IMO Insights Products (virtual demonstrations available):

 IMO Precision Sets

Outcomes-based healthcare requires health systems to understand patient populations, deliver better results, and develop and implement quality management systems. IMO Precision Sets offers a library of curated value sets that helps develop and implement outcomes-based health initiatives by identifying, engaging, and analyzing patients with a variety of conditions. A formal research study conducted by IMO and HIMSS Media in 2019 found that the use of value sets is common, but there is room for improvement seen at many organizations that are challenged by accurately defining value sets and keeping them up-to-date​. This video provides additional information on the product.

IMO Core Normalize

If interoperability is the ultimate goal in healthcare, then normalizing data holds the key to success. Raw health data has very limited utility unless it is cleaned up and turned into useful information. IMO Core Normalize automatically harmonizes “terms in different languages” to a single, shared vocabulary inside an enterprise data warehouse. It is a vehicle for IMO’s Terminology (IMO Core) and Insights (IMO Precision) products to penetrate health IT markets within and beyond the EHR. Benefits to this technology include the ability to: map descriptions and codes to IMO’s core technologies; handle large quantities of data; and normalize diagnosis, procedure, lab, and medication data.

About IMO

At IMO, we are dedicated to powering care as you intended through a platform that is intelligent, intuitive, and intentional. Used by more than 4,500 hospitals and 500,000 physicians daily, IMO’s clinical interface terminology (CIT) forms the foundation for healthcare enterprise needs including effective management of electronic health record (EHR) problem lists, accurate documentation, and the mapping of over 2.4 million clinician-friendly terms across 24 different code systems. 

We offer a portfolio of products that includes terminologies and value sets that are clinically vetted, always current, and maintenance-free. This aligns to provider organizations’ missions, EHR platforms’ inherent power, and the evolving vision of the healthcare industry while ensuring accurate care documentation and administrative codes. So clinicians can get back to being clinicians, health systems can get reimbursed, and patients can more easily engage in their own care. As intended.


