Coronavirus Fears Puts Nation’s Blood Supply at Risk

Blood Centers Urging People to Donate Blood Now

WASHINGTON, D.C., March 10, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Concerns over the coronavirus are negatively impacting the nation’s blood supply and it has blood centers around the country appealing to the public that now is the time to donate.

“We are facing a national blood supply issue. As coronavirus fears intensify, blood centers around the country are experiencing a significant decrease in donations and blood drives are being canceled,” said Kate Fry, CEO of America’s Blood Centers, an organization that represents nearly 50 blood centers throughout the United States and Canada, and collects close to 60% of the nation’s blood supply.

It is safe to donate blood. The coronavirus does not pose any known risk to blood donors during the donation process or from attending blood drives

There is growing concern that if the coronavirus continues to spread it could potentially reduce the number of eligible donors and put the blood supply at risk. Every blood center is now actively preparing for the possibility that the entire country can be affected by the coronavirus and the impact this will have on the nation’s blood supply.

“We cannot wait for the situation to intensify further before taking action.  The blood supply cannot be taken for granted and the coronavirus only heightens the need for a ready blood supply.  The lives of patients depend on blood donors.  It is vital that if you are healthy and eligible to give blood that you visit your local blood center and donate, and that organizations continue to host blood drives. Blood donors are needed now more than ever,” says Fry

There is no substitute for blood. Every two seconds someone in the nation needs a blood transfusion. By making blood donation a habit you are helping ensure a ready blood supply at all times.

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About America’s Blood Centers

Founded in 1962, America’s Blood Centers is North America’s largest network of community-based, independent blood programs. Recognized by the U.S. Congress for its critical work in patient care and disaster preparedness and response, the federation operates more than 600 blood collection sites providing close to 60 percent of the U.S., and a quarter of the Canadian blood supply.

These blood centers serve more than 150 million people and provide blood products and services to more than 3,500 hospitals and healthcare facilities across North America. Each year, our members help save the lives of nearly 3 million patients. America’s Blood Centers’ U.S. members are licensed and regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Our Canadian member is regulated by Health Canada. America’s Blood Centers is not affiliated with the American Red Cross. For more information visit

