Statement re Impact of Covid-19


Update on Impact of Covid-19

DXS International plc ("DXS", the "Company"), the digital clinical decision support company, is pleased to provide shareholders with the following update on measures taken by the Company in response to COVID-19  and confirms that during this unprecedented interruption to business, DXS is continuing to deliver support of its solutions to frontline primary care doctors and nurses.

Being an accredited NHS solutions provider, DXS has well-established business continuity and disaster recovery protocols in place. These were triggered during the early stages of the COVID-19 outbreak and at this point, 95% percent of our staff, both in the United Kingdom and South Africa are successfully working from home and the company remains fully operational.

On the customer-facing front, DXS has supported national efforts to combat the pandemic by launching a clinical decision support toolkit via our DXS Point of Care solution for COVID-19 treatment and information. This is being used by doctors and nurses in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

Further to this, the company has set in place a technical support process designed to help clinicians access our Clinical Decision Support solution while working from home. DXS is pleased to report minimal disruption to the essential health technology services we provide to our NHS customers, namely our Point of Care product.

The outbreak of COVID-19, and the disruption it has wrought to the health care sector in particular, has placed a sharp focus on the necessity for health authorities to strongly consider digital health solutions such as those provided by DXS Point of Care and in particular our new ExpertCare solution for the management of hypertension, which has been identified as a high risk factor for those patients contracting COVID19.

We expect that once the situation begins to normalise, our new solutions can play an important role in helping clinicians manage mounting chronic disease patient backlogs created by the focus on the current pandemic. We are utilising the current situation to implement development of our technology that previously was only targeted for later in the year which we believe should enable us to hit the ground running when things begin to normalise.

David Immelman, CEO of DSX International PLC commented: “Although it is clear that the current situation has impacted our anticipated revenue growth in the current financial year, we are on track to match our previous years revenue. We are fortunate to have a recurring revenue stream that has enabled the business to continue delivering our service with minimum disruption to staff. Some product launches, ExpertCare, MyVytalCare and CompleteCare have seen delays given the NHS’s focus on COVID-19, and it is not possible to predict the point at which new growth will begin. However with cash in the bank and sound products we remain optimistic about the future growth of the business and will update the market as soon as possible once there is more clarity on the situation. 

We are pleased to be able to help support primary care doctors and nurses with our DXS Point of Care solution for COVID-19 treatment and information. In the area of digital health, the market is moving very fast, not only around Covid19, but around bringing solutions for remote monitoring and the treatment of vulnerable and chronically ill patients.”

The Directors of DXS International plc accept responsibility for this announcement


David Immelman   (Chief Executive)
DXS International plc
01252 719800 

Corporate Advisor

City & Merchant Limited
David Papworth
020 7101 7676


Corporate Broker

Hybridan LLP
Claire Louise Noyce

020 3764 2341


Notes to Editors

About DXS:

DXS International plc presents up to date treatment guidelines and recommendations, from Clinical Commissioning Groups and other trusted NHS sources, to doctors, nurses and pharmacists in their workflow and during the patient consultation. This effective clinical decision support ultimately translates to improved healthcare outcomes delivered more cost effectively and which should significantly contribute towards the NHS achieving its projected efficiency savings.