Marketing automation and personalisation sell out tickets: Agillic and Pentia win the Royal Danish Theatre

Press release, Copenhagen, 29 April 2020

Marketing automation software company Agillic is pleased to welcome the Royal Danish Theatre, Denmark’s national theatre. Together with its partner, Pentia, Agillic has won the public tender in competition with global companies. The theatre is going to use Agillic’s customer-centric Omnichannel Marketing capabilities to attract new audiences and to increase the customer lifetime value of the existing audiences.

Agillic’s native integrations to paid media channels, such as the Facebook, the Google and the Adform ecosystems, and the documented results to increase the customer lifetime value through the automated execution of relevant and personalised content across channels were decisive factors as the Royal Danish Theatre chose Agillic as their new martech provider.

“We are happy and proud to be able to welcome the Royal Danish Theatre to Agillic. With our software, we are the backstage guys, and we are ready to do our part of helping attract new audiences and to support data-driven and personalised customer experiences in the theatre’s communication,” says Emre Gürsoy, CEO of Agillic.

“The Royal Danish Theatre is opera, drama, concerts and ballet. The performance is the culmination of the artists’ preparation, and we want to share that thrill with as many people as possible. And that is what Pentia and Agillic are going to help us achieve cost-effectively,” says Magnus Restofte, Communication Director, Royal Danish Theatre. “Data-driven and customer-centric communication throughout the customer lifecycle is going to play an essential role in our marketing activities and after a thorough investigation of several software vendors, we found that the Agillic platform was the best fit to us in terms of ease of use and anticipated value creation.”

Part of the Royal Danish Theatre’s revenue is generated from subscriptions, and the business model is gaining prevalence across sectors, due to the high degree of financial predictability and stability it provides.  However, it is often said that churn is a risk and retention is a benefit of the subscription model. Both are true and to make retention the customer default mode, companies need to launch effective retention strategies and tactics, such as data-driven and personalised welcome flows, retention flows, and win-back flows. Agillic’s references cases from subscription businesses, such as Egmont Publishing and Fitness World, show that relevant and personalised communication across channels providing a holistic and engaging customer experience is an effective means for retention.

”Winning the Royal Danish Theatre together with Agillic has once again shown the strength of our partnership. Our combined competencies offer tangible business value to the clients, and we are excited to start the work and put our ideas and skills into practice,” says Kasper Greve, client director, Pentia.

For further information, please contact
Emre Gürsoy, CEO, Agillic A/S
+45 3078 4200 

About the Royal Danish Theatre
The Royal Danish Theatre is the national theatre and today includes the Royal Danish Opera, the Royal Danish Ballet, the Royal Danish Orchestra. With around 80 performances a year and 1600 activities, more than 800,000 guests are visiting the theatre each year. The Royal Danish Theatre has been located at Kongens Nytorv in Copenhagen since 1748, originally designated as the king's theatre.

About Agillic A/S
Agillic is a Nordic software company enabling marketers to maximise the use of data and translate it into relevant and personalised communication establishing strong relations between people and brands. Our customer marketing platform uses AI to enhance the business value of customer communication. By combining data-driven customer insights with the ability to execute personalised communication, we provide our clients with a head start in the battle of winning markets and customers.

Besides the company headquarter in Copenhagen, Agillic has sales offices in London (UK), Stockholm (Sweden), and Zurich (CH), as well as a development unit in Kiev (Ukraine). For further information, please visit

Agillic A/S Nasdaq First North Copenhagen: AGILC


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Marketing automation and personalisation sell out tickets- Agillic and Pentia win the Royal Danish Theatre