Building Safety Month celebration wraps with a focus on training and education

The Code Council and its partners underscore the value of a well-trained workforce for maintaining a safe built environment

Washington, D.C., May 26, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The celebration for Building Safety Month 2020 comes to a close with week four, which highlights training and education for the next generation of building safety professionals. This week the Code Council, its members and partners, will explore building safety career opportunities and the value of a well-trained workforce for maintaining a safe built environment. Thorough training and education help code officials consistently ensure the buildings in their communities are safe.

The building safety industry offers a wide range of career opportunities with positions that include code officials, inspectors, permit technicians, fire marshals, plumbing professionals, plans examiners and more. Through its Safety 2.0 initiative, the Code Council provides resources for students, veterans and others considering a career in the built environment.

“Especially during these difficult times when we find ourselves spending most of our time inside, we have a greater appreciation for building safety and the highly-trained professionals that ensure our communities are safe and protected,” said Code Council Chief Executive Officer Dominic Sims, CBO. “As the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has determined the work of building and fire prevention departments to be essential to the nation’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, there is a stronger demand for us to bolster our industry with a knowledgeable and qualified workforce.”

“The weekly theme of ‘Training the Next Generation’ aligns with NCARB’s current focus: to develop training materials for licensure candidates, supervisors, and mentors to best prepare for the challenges of the future,” said Terry Allers, President of the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards, a week four sponsor. “Only through proper mentorship and effective resources can the next generation of architects, and other architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) professionals, be energized to improve the built environment for everyone.”

"LIUNA is proud to work with the International Code Council in promoting the importance of training in construction,” said Terry O'Sullivan, LIUNA General President, a week four sponsor. “As a highly skilled and experienced union workforce, training and safety are key to every project for the half-million members of LIUNA who build the infrastructure of the United States and Canada."

The Code Council will host its final installment of the Building Safety Month Webinar Series on Friday, May 29, at 1:00 PM ET. The 90-minute free webinar will address deck safety, the codes and the second edition of the Code Council’s Deck Code and Education publication. The book, which will be available this summer, consists of ten chapters that provide every 2018 International Residential Code provision related to decks. Author and codes expert Glenn Mathewson will explain one overlooked or misunderstood provision from each chapter of the book. To register for the upcoming webinar, click here.

Learn more and download free resources about training and building industry career opportunities here. Join the conversation online using the hashtag #BuildingSafety365.


About the International Code Council

The International Code Council is a nonprofit association that provides a wide range of building safety solutions including product evaluation, accreditation, certification, codification and training. It develops model codes and standards used worldwide to construct safe, sustainable, affordable and resilient structures.



Building Safety Month: Week 4


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