WQA offers guidance on bringing vacant buildings back online

Best practices to restart water supply treatment systems

Lisle, Illinois, May 26, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As shelter-in-place orders are being modified or lifted around the country, the Water Quality Association offers general guidance on bringing water treatment systems back online in buildings that have been vacant or have seen little or no water use. The guidelines are available on WQA’s website and will be discussed in detail during a free webinar May 27.

“Coronavirus itself has not been detected in drinking water supplies. However, stagnant conditions while buildings are unused could cause bacterial growth that may foul or plug water treatment systems if not brought back online properly,” said Eric Yeggy, WQA Technical Affairs Director. “Involving water treatment professionals before faucets are turned on makes it a lot easier to properly maintain and sanitize the system effectively and economically.”

The guidelines, part of WQA’s coronavirus resources, suggest actions water treatment professionals can take as part of an overall recommissioning plan for commercial, industrial, manufacturing or retail businesses shut down during the COVID-19 pandemic. The document also can be used as a resource by restaurant and coffee shop owners, small businesses and retail establishments, and even homeowners.

The document addresses ways to proactively plan for the safe and sanitary return from a shutdown, including proper flushing, cleaning, sanitizing and servicing of the treatment systems. The guidelines also discuss special needs of point-of-use filters, reverse osmosis, whole-house filtration, UV treatment and water softeners, as well as water-using appliances.

Yeggy will review the guidelines in a free webinar, “Life After Lockdown: Bringing Water Treatment Systems Back Online,” offered at noon EST (11 a.m. CST) on Wednesday, May 27. More details and registration information are available at wqa.org/webinars.

WQA is a not-for-profit trade association representing the residential, commercial, and industrial water treatment industry. WQA’s education and professional certification programs have been providing industry-standardized training and credentialing since 1977. The WQA Gold Seal certification program has been certifying products that contribute to the safe consumption of water since 1959. The WQA Gold Seal program is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the Standards Council of Canada (SCC).

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