New Christian Book Dissects the Biblical Etymology and Powerful Significance of Love

‘Symbolism of Truth: Love’ by Troy R. Smith is the first in a series of books that analyze and provide in-depth scriptural interpretations of familiar biblical terms to explore their full meaning

PHOENIX, June 01, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In times of crisis, the biblical command of “love thy neighbor” becomes increasingly crucial, both in protecting vulnerable communities and restoring hope to those who are struggling. However, to be able to fully execute this instruction, Christians must first understand the full scope of these words.

In his new book, “Symbolism of Truth: Love,” author Troy R. Smith dives deep into the scripture to lay bare the biblical meaning of love and help Christians better appreciate its depth and magnitude so that they may apply it fully in their own lives. Seeing the colloquial and excessive usage of the word in modern culture, he felt drawn to discern what God means by love versus its secular definition.

“Love is a word that is thrown around all the time with no consequence,” said Smith. “It is the greatest of all spiritual gifts, yet people use it with little understanding for the weight it carries. Through ‘Symbolism of Truth: Love,’ I examine God’s intention with love so that others may see just how precious it is and use it with more regard.”

Broken into five parts, the book begins with Smith’s analysis of the 16 components of love as laid out in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. He defines the original Greek translation and compiles cohesive transparent compounds to determine what meaning may have been lost through modern interpretations. He then identifies 63 biblical proofs that demonstrate how God’s love informs his likeness and the identity of man in Christ, and how it allowed for humankind to reconcile its fall from grace.

Additionally, the book includes a reference section that encourages readers to do their own scriptural study and an allotted space for notes along with captivating motivational poems that explore Smith’s experiences with the different components of love as they pertain to his own journey to deeply know Christ.                  

“I wrote this book during a dark time in my life,” said Smith. “I had hit rock bottom and was desperate to know and understand God fully. By uncovering the truth behind love and what it means for us, I was able to get my life back on track. I wanted to extend this life-saving knowledge to others to help them in their own relationships with Him.”

“Symbolism of Truth: Love”
By Troy R. Smith                                                                                                                                                             
ISBN: 9781684717897 (paperback); 9781684717903 (hardcover); 9781684717910 (electronic)
Available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Lulu

About the author
Troy R. Smith is an author and founder of a financial planning start-up. An advocate for spreading God’s love to those in need, he and his wife have also founded The Body, a nonprofit with the goal of providing food, shelter, health, education and career-planning services to the homeless. “Symbolism of Truth: Love” is his first book, and he has two forthcoming publications: the second book in the series, “Symbolism of Truth: Faith,” and a Christian fiction novel called “Alignment.” To learn more, visit

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