ThriftBooks Accepting Book Drop-Offs

Seattle, WA, June 17, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- During the past few months of Staying Home and Staying Safe, many people have been inspired to reorganize their home and are finding books they are ready to pass along to a new home. And with high school and college finishing up for the academic year, students are happily looking to discard old textbooks they will no longer use. Because many regular book donation locations are temporarily closed, ThriftBooks is offering a book drop-off at several of its warehouses to help people recycle books and textbooks ready for a new home.

“With the extra time people have been spending at home, many have been motivated to declutter and organize their households,” said Michael Teague, VP of Operations at ThriftBooks. “We are excited to provide a solution for those unwanted books and textbooks and to be an additional resource during these unprecedented times.”

Starting June 17, book and textbook drop-offs will be accepted Monday through Friday at ThriftBooks processing centers in Atlanta, Dallas, Chicago, Phoenix, Reno, and Portland.

In exchange for a box of clean books dropped off in good resale condition, ThriftBooks, the world’s largest online used book seller, will provide a $10 credit to its online store at Store credit will be issued instantly at drop-off.

Specific locations of the processing centers can be found at Appropriate social distance requirements of a minimum of six feet will be maintained.

At this time, ThriftBooks is only accepting drop-offs and asks that individuals refrain from mailing in books and textbooks.

 “We are pleased to be a resource for the community in this interim situation,” added Teague. "Together we’ll keep as many people reading as we can, one book at a time!" 

Those who are interested in learning more can visit the ThriftBooks website at, Facebook page at, Instagram at, or follow @thriftbooks on Twitter.


About ThriftBooks

ThriftBooks is the world’s largest online, independent seller of used books, having sold more than 160 million used and new books since its inception. Founded in Seattle in 2003 and backed by KCB Management, ThriftBooks operates multiple processing centers throughout the US that purchase, grade, and distribute used and rare/collectible books. ThriftBooks utilizes proprietary software to identify and list books, as well as a sophisticated pricing model that dynamically prices books across a variety of online platforms, including, Amazon, eBay, and others. provides high quality customer service, as reflected by over 500,000 positive Trustpilot reviews and a 5-star Trustpilot score.  Customers who shop at can earn free books through the company’s loyalty program, Reading Rewards.

