NetNumber COO Steve Legge Recognized for Leadership

IndustryEra Magazine Names Legge Top 10 Best COOs for 2020

Lowell, MA, June 18, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NetNumber announced today its chief operating officer Steve Legge has been recognized as a 10 Best COOs for 2020 by IndustryEra Magazine for leadership work in driving the company’s continued transition to an Agile business and delivering the industry’s first cloud-native, InterGENerational™ platform for telcos earlier this month.  COOs selected for this honor are striving to overcome the global challenges to ensure their companies are prepared for the future.  IndustryEra focuses on both sides of the coin from leading an organization to building a world-renowned company, and gives a peek into the professional and personal lives of successful leaders, who through their numerous qualities, are capable of influencing individuals and employees.

Steve Legge has served as NetNumber COO since 2018.  He joined the company as vice president, Corporate Development in 2013 to lead NetNumber’s global partner strategies.  Most recently, he served as general manager, NetNumber Global Data Services and senior vice president, Product Management.  

Legge has held senior executive management and technical positions in the broadcast, telecommunications and satellite industries in the US and Australia for more than 20 years. His experience both as a solution vendor and as an operator has influenced his role as COO, and was of interest to the IndustryEra editorial team.  

“The telecom industry is rapidly evolving as networks transition to 5G and cloud native technologies, regulatory requirements heighten privacy and security concerns, and both businesses and subscribers embrace remote working options,” said Kevin Peters, NetNumber chief executive officer.  “The operational and strategic role of the COO has never been as important as it is today.  Our operational transformation led by Steve is enabling us to deliver advanced platform capabilities to our customers while ensuring our employees can produce from home without missing a beat.  The whole leadership team is excited to see Steve recognized for his contributions.”  

Prior to joining NetNumber, Legge was vice president of Telecom and Space Systems for VT iDirect, Inc., a Virginia-based satellite network equipment manufacturer.  Previously, he was manager of Global Business Development for the Satellite Solutions group at Cisco.  Before relocating to the US in 2008, Legge was the co-founder and Chief Operating Officer at SP Telecommunications (now TPG Telecom), a national voice and broadband carrier in Australia.

Read the IndustryEra profile on Steve Legge at

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About NetNumber

NetNumber, Inc. brings 20 years of experience delivering platforms that power global telecom and enterprise networks.  Our software-based signaling-control solutions accelerate delivery of new services like Private LTE and IoT/M2M solutions across multi-gen networks, dramatically simplifying the core and reducing opex.  These solutions span a range of network types from 2G-3G-4G-5G to future G delivered on the industry’s most robust signaling platform. NetNumber Data Services are essential for global inter-carrier routing, roaming, voice and messaging. Data powers fraud detection and prevention solutions and enables enterprise B2B and B2C communications platforms.  NetNumber multi-protocol signaling firewall, fraud-detection, and robocalling solutions help secure networks against current/emerging threats.

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