Bum Dash diaper delivery service sets yearly goal to keep a billion+ disposable diapers out of U.S. landfills.

Chapel Hill, N.C., July 09, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Chapel Hill, N.C., entrepreneur Charles Douthitt has created Bum Dash, a zero-contact, app-based service that delivers freshly laundered organic cotton diapers and collects the previously soiled diapers weekly.

Charlotte will be the test market this fall, with expansion to other markets shortly thereafter. Douthitt’s mission is to reduce the estimated 20 billion disposable diapers – about 3.5 million tons – dumped into U.S. landfills each year while fostering healthier, happier babies. His business model has become even more essential since the arrival of Covid-19.

Douthitt was a new dad, already in the process of app development for Bum Dash, when coronavirus made “zero-contact delivery” a household phrase. Zero-contact added an important fourth incentive to his initial strategies to target rising ecological awareness, appeal to doting parents, and leverage his 10-plus years of real-world delivery experience. The unfortunate prevalence of a global virus added urgency to his business plan. “We believe in the health and environmental benefits of this idea, and the need for distancing makes Bum Dash a viable resource and a more compelling proposition.”

Disruption of delivery services is nothing new to Douthitt. In 2008, Douthitt and his co-founder, Wes Garrison, were the first to bring non-pizza restaurant delivery to several NC cities. They started small, initially as Tarheel Takeout, focusing primarily on students at UNC. Cellular phones were expensive and unreliable and the Internet was still finding its place, so their drivers relied on walkie-talkies. Over time, the partners grew the concept and changed the name to Takeout Central (takeoutcentral.com). Today, the firm delivers locally-sourced restaurant meals in 12 cities and towns in North Carolina.

For Douthitt, parenthood provided a life-changing perspective. “Being a new parent was a real eye-opener,” says Douthitt. “A new child turns anyone’s world upside down, and while we may recognize cloth diapers as the best investment for our children and the future of the environment, adding the additional chore of washing them at home almost always loses out to the temptation to use disposable diapers. Creating a delivery service that removes the hassle of washing, thereby making cloth diapers as convenient as disposables, made a lot of sense.” 


Bum Dash is a zero-contact, organic cloth diaper delivery service. The app-based service delivers freshly-laundered organic cotton diapers and collects soiled diapers weekly. The custom app eliminates person-to-person contact, simplifies scheduling and accepts payments wirelessly. Bum Dash was founded by Charles Douthitt, a Chapel Hill, N.C.-based entrepreneur who started and continues to operate Takeout Central, a restaurant food delivery business operating in North Carolina.







Profil de l'entrepriseBum DashIndustrie: Consumer GoodsSite Internet: