Author Teaches the Importance of Church in New Book

Michael J. Ray teaches readers how to develop a stronger bond to God by going to church in his debut book, “Christ Without a Bride?”

Childersburg, AL, July 14, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Purity in prayer, closeness to God, a sense of unconditional love and belonging- church serves as a haven to those that seek a closer relationship with God and a place of solace in times of distress and need. Author Michael J. Ray “Christ Without a Bride?” explores the importance of the House of God and its importance as a medium to fostering a relationship with the Father and the Son. While highlighting the need to stay dedicated to the church, Ray also sheds light on false teachers of Christ's doctrine and his thoughts on why denominationalism is wrong.

Charged to write this book with Christ on his mind and the support of his church, Ray hopes to enlighten readers about the importance of their faithfulness to the church if they wish to see heaven. “Christ Without a Bride?” also serves as a plea to get those that do not currently attend church to seek God and build a relationship with Him.

“This world is so selfish, so greedy, so hungry for power, but there would be none of those things if we could convince everyone to accept Christ as the master and follow his teachings,” Ray said, adding, “He set up the church so that the kingdom on earth would be like the kingdom of heaven. That kingdom, his kingdom, is the church. It is not perfect yet, but it will be when he returns.” 

“This book uplifts your spirit as a Christian, and if you had started feeling faint-hearted, it is a great way to uplift you and guide you towards making the church what Christ expects of it. It gave me a thirst for knowledge, and I wanted to read even more,” a reviewer wrote about the book.

Readers, both lifelong members of the church and newcomers, will find “Christ Without A Bride?” to be an insightful tool on how to be faithful to God through our devotion to the church. They will find Ray to give clear explanations as to why our devotion to the House of God takes precedence. 


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