Does Crisis Breed Workplace Resiliency? Findings from OrgVitality Pandemic Survey Uncover High Levels of Employee Confidence

PLEASANTVILLE, N.Y., July 15, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Recent research by OrgVitality, LLC delivered surprising insights into employee well-being and business resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic. The company offers its suite of pulse surveys at no charge to qualifying organizations; these surveys can be branded and tailored to the specific needs of a company for a nominal fee. OrgVitality also maintains a free library of pulse surveys to solicit ongoing feedback on timely topics such as workplace safety, readiness to return to work, and virtual teams’ assessments.

Participation in OrgVitality’s “Employee Well-Being & Business Resilience” survey was offered to any organization that wanted to make sure employees had what they needed, better understand challenges and ensure that critical messages from leadership had resonated. 59,753 employees across industries including banking, hospitality, food and beverage production, insurance, financial services, pharmaceutical, business services, manufacturing, animal care and government responded to the survey. Key findings included:

  • 92 percent of employees surveyed thought their organization responded well to the crisis.
  • 81 percent of employees thought they could effectively manage their work/personal demands.
  • 93 percent said their team was adapting to how they worked in response to the crisis and 86 percent said they had the tools and resources they needed.

Despite the current uncertainty, 87 percent of employees were confident in their respective organization’s future. This is a critical measurement, as OrgVitality’s research conducted during the 2008 financial crisis demonstrates that employee levels of confidence are a good indicator of whether a business will survive the crisis. Much of employee confidence is driven by senior leadership; 93 percent of respondents felt that senior leaders had responded quickly to the crisis and almost as many (91 percent) were certain that leadership was prioritizing the health and safety of employees and their families.

Significant gaps were identified when customer-facing employees were analyzed as a category. Consistently less ebullient than co-workers who didn’t have direct contact with customers, they scored effective collaboration at 79 percent (others weighed in at 90 percent).

“The good will of employees is not an asset to be squandered,” commented OrgVitality CEO Jeffrey Saltzman. “How companies handle the return to onsite work, the continuation of remote work, and any other uncertainties will determine how well they maintain employee confidence.”

OrgVitality invites organizations to participate in its free pulse surveys by accessing this site: To download a complimentary copy of the Employee Well-Being & Business Resilience Survey study, please visit:

About OrgVitality

A global consulting firm, OrgVitality supports clients in technology, finance, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, hospitality, healthcare, law enforcement, manufacturing, transportation, and not-for-profits. Run by Industrial and Organizational psychologists, the company’s technology-based customized solutions include employee surveys, comment analysis, internal customer experience, and 180/360 assessments.
