New novel follows ‘Jason Jupiter’ on an unexpected adventure and a dangerous joyride with a humanoid boy

Albert M. Manaford pens a unique story that combines science fiction, religion and family

WICHITA, Kan., July 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Space adventure, family, friendship and faith take center stage in Albert M. Manaford’s new book titled “Jason Jupiter: Lost and Found” (published by Archway Publishing). This sci-fi novel chronicles the tale of a 10-year-old boy’s exciting experiences after he stumbles onto a spaceship with a 5-year-old humanoid inside.


One night, as Jason Jupiter stares into the heavens from his porch swing and dreams of space travel, an object falls out of the sky and vanishes along the horizon, seemingly in close proximity to his house. Overwhelmed with curiosity, Jason decides to investigate without telling his parents. He walks through a forest and into a clearing where, to his surprise, he finds a damaged spaceship without occupants. After he enters the ship to explore, Jason eventually encounters a small craft inside the cargo bay with a humanoid boy inside. When Jason inquires how to start the tiny spaceship, Michael happily shows him — a decision that quickly sends the boys on a dangerous joyride. After they barely escape the fighter jets in pursuit, the boys zoom in the craft to Jason’s house in Los Alamos, where they cloak the ship and become friends. Now, Jason must determine how to keep Michael and the spaceship a secret from his parents and an undercover government agency with a lofty goal. He is about to discover that his adventure has only just begun.


“Jason Jupiter: Lost and Found” is designed to intrigue the readers’ imagination by intermixing the attributes of religion and family relationships into a science-fiction novel. With it, they will also have the opportunity to see the world through the eyes of children — a 10-year-old human boy who shares close bonds with his younger sibling and parents; and a humanoid who is filled with an immense amount of advanced scientific understanding.


When asked what he wants people to take away from his writings, Manaford states, “That nothing is outside the reach of the human imagination, especially the imagination of kids.”


Visit to get a copy.


“Jason Jupiter: Lost and Found”

By Albert M. Manaford

Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 572 pages | ISBN 9781480890374

Softcover | 6 x 9in | 572 pages | ISBN 9781480890398

E-Book | 572 pages | ISBN 9781480890381

Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble


About the Author

Albert M. Manaford has always had an interest in the sciences, theologies and philosophies. He earned an engineering degree. He is passionate about encouraging younger generations to become interested in science, and helping bridge the gaps between science and theology. Manaford has written around 10 stories in the last 20 years. Five are children’s stories ranging from science fiction to mystical/fairy tales with religious undertones, which adults would also enjoy. The other five are science/science fiction oriented and are written for the young adult and adult audience.

Simon & Schuster, a company with nearly ninety years of publishing experience, has teamed up with Author Solutions, LLC, the worldwide leader in self-publishing, to create Archway Publishing. With unique resources to support books of all kind, Archway Publishing offers a specialized approach to help every author reach his or her desired audience. For more information, visit or call 844-669-3957.


