A 17-year-old girl must learn how to leave behind the past and hold on to hope for love to win the battle

Kelvin Chilvers announces the release of ‘Holding On To Hope’

PETERBOROUGH, England, Sept. 11, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The real-life experiences of individuals Kelvin Chilvers have encountered over time, on a subject he feels very strongly about compelled him to write “Holding On To Hope” (published by Xlibris UK) in the hope to deliver a very profound message that there is light to be found in every tunnel and that there will always be hope.


Seventeen-year-old Rebecca lives in a world of romantic fantasy and hope. Dark secrets have stolen her voice and her happiness. Her ghosts tread cumbersome through the corridors of her sleep. With the arrival of her prince and his dog, Rebecca has an opportunity to leave behind a past of being subjected to the worst abuse and torment imaginable. However, the dark denizens of evil have an alternative agenda — to prolong her misery and pain. Can love win the battle? To do so, Rebecca needs to hold on to hope.


“Abuse in all its forms is prevalent, as it has always been and will continue. It is not a subject which should be ignored and swept under the carpet. There are victims who require help and compassion, and who deserve to be treated humanely,” Chilvers says. “This story is also a romance, and all the romantics who read this will; as it is my intention, to relate to the sheer beauty love can give to someone.”


When asked what he wants readers to take away from his writing of this story, Chilvers replies, “I would hope that my writing leaves an everlasting imprint on the mind, for people wanting to read the book over and over, and tell everyone about it. I would like my readers, having taken my journey through an entire spectrum of emotions, to believe in hope as a message. There is good in this world if we open our eyes more, and our hearts.” For more details about the book, please visit https://www.amazon.com/Holding-Hope-Kelvin-Chilvers/dp/198459415X/


“Holding On To Hope”

By Kelvin Chilvers

Softcover | 6 x 9in | 650 pages | ISBN 9781984594150

E-Book | 650 pages | ISBN 9781984594143

Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble


About the Author

Born on October 1954 from a humble background, Kelvin Chilvers’ passion for writing began at age 7. If he was not writing, he was reading. He left grammar school (back then) and started his first job in retail, enjoying a rapid rise into management before choosing the road to self- employment. No matter the hours he puts in, he found time to write. As with anything, practice makes perfect. His second passion is meditation, and this has given him focus, balance, positivity and happiness, he wishes to share, along with his vision.


Xlibris Publishing UK, an Author Solutions, LLC imprint, is a self-publishing services provider dedicated to serving authors throughout the United Kingdom. By focusing on the needs of creative writers and artists and adopting the latest print-on-demand publishing technology and strategies, we provide expert publishing services with direct and personal access to quality publication in hardcover, trade paperback, custom leather-bound and full-color formats. To date, Xlibris has helped to publish more than 60,000 titles. For more information, visit xlibrispublishing.co.uk or call 0-800-014-8620 to receive a free publishing guide.


