Lab-Grown Diamonds by Green Diamonds

Ramat Gan, Israel, Sept. 14, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- What are the Lab-Grown Diamonds?

Diamonds are produced in the mines of coal through a lengthy natural process (sometimes comprising longer than billions of years). These diamonds, of course, due to their unique production, are very expensive and are out of the range of a common person. Like other naturally occurring substances, scientists have also discovered an alternative to these diamonds that is rather cheaper and affordable. This alternative has given the name of ‘lab-grown diamond’ due to its production procedure, which takes place in the laboratory. 

Lab-grown diamonds are those diamonds that are produced in the laboratory through a man-controlled procedure. These resemble in shape, quality, and appearance with the naturally occurring diamonds. Although these diamonds are produced in the laboratory, their similarity with those occurring naturally in the mines is quite surprising. Lab-grown diamonds are also called synthetic diamonds and differ from those ‘fake diamonds’ found in the market. There is very little or no difference between the lab-grown diamonds and natural diamonds because the chemical structure and properties of both are the same. The difference is in the production process; lab-grown diamonds are ‘grown’ in the laboratory under controlled conditions, while the others are produced by nature through a lengthy process. 

Benefits of Lab-Grown Diamonds

  • Ecologically Stable: Most of the diamonds that are made by means other than natural are fake, and their production causes the emission of substances that are hazardous to the environment. This is the reason; natural diamonds are preferred over all other kinds of diamonds as they do not cause any harmful impact on the environment. But, the process of production of laboratory diamonds does not produce any kind of emission to the environment. Hence, it can be said that just like their naturally occurring counterparts, lab-grown diamonds are environment friendly and ecologically stable.

  • Same quality as the Natural Diamonds: Natural diamonds are produced through a naturally occurring decay process that comprises of millions of years. The diamond produced through this natural process is of high quality and uniqueness. Strikingly, the synthetic or lab-grown diamonds have almost the same structure with the same physical and chemical properties. It means that the quality, taste, appearance, and structure of the lab-grown diamond are almost the same as the natural ones.

  • Bulk Quantity: Another major drawback of natural diamonds is that it is produced in a very low quantity. After millions of years’ wait, a very low quantity of product is disappointing. While the lab-grown diamonds are produced in a very short time, we can get as much quantity of them as we want.  The average period that lab-grown diamonds take is five to ten days.

  • Cheaper: Natural diamonds are very expensive. The average price of one-carat natural diamonds is $1600-$2000. At the same time, the same quantity of lab-grown diamond charges as much as $800. It means we can enjoy the same kind of diamond as natural in half of the price of natural ones. 

Lab-Grown Diamonds by Green Diamonds

Green diamonds are one of the largest companies in the world that are producing lab-grown diamonds. The laboratory diamonds’ products of Green diamonds have been a major cause of the popularity of the lab-grown diamonds in the USA.  Since its origin in 2019, Green Diamonds have introduced the world with a new era of lab-grown diamonds.  Green Diamonds were established in the USA to increase the availability and production of diamonds that are both environmentally friendly and cheap. 

So far, Green Diamonds have been successful in their purpose. Currently, they are producing the best quality synthetic diamonds that are used in several jewelry products. With the use of the latest available technology and experts’ techniques, Green Diamonds can produce one of the fine qualities of eco-friendly and cost-friendly diamonds. The prices of diamonds that are produced by Green Diamonds are as low as 80 percent as those producing naturally and even in other laboratories. 

Due to their commercial production, lab-grown diamonds by Green Diamonds are frequently being used in jewelry items like earrings, bracelets, rings, necklaces, etc. Another feature of lab-grown diamonds of Green diamonds is that, unlike most others, these can be availed online by a few clicks. The desired item is selected from the collection of beautiful diamond products, and the amount is paid through online transaction methods. Online purchase is the most popular means of shopping nowadays. Keeping this matter in mind, Green Diamonds have made it possible for their customers to get their favorite design and structure at their doorstep. Green Diamonds are also providing free shipping of their products on online purchases. 

The following lab-grown diamond products are available at the online store of Green Diamonds;

  • Lab-Grown Diamonds-Engagement Rings
  • Lab-Grown Diamond Rings
  • Lab-Grown Diamond Necklaces
  • Lab-Grown Diamond Earrings
  • Lab-Grown Diamond Bracelets

All these items are second to none in their beauty, fineness, and quality. Although the diamonds used in these are lab grown, the jewelry items look more beautiful as the shine and look of lab-grown diamonds are far more than that of natural diamonds. Hence, we can say that the lab-grown diamonds being produced by Green Diamonds are one of the best synthetic diamonds in the USA. 

In the past, people would invest in diamonds to get a profit. Sometimes, they had to wait for a long time to get a suitable customer. But as the trend is being shifted from the naturally produced diamonds to the lab-grown diamonds, these have emerged as a good investment, and investors are seemed more interested in lab-grown diamonds. There is also another problem associated with natural diamonds and diamonds other than synthetic ones. These diamonds get cloudy with time and lose their shine. But on the other hand, lab-grown diamonds produced by the Green Diamonds have this unique property of being clear and shiny even after many years of their creation. Looking at the services and quality of diamonds available at the store of Green Diamonds, we can say that lab-grown diamonds by green diamonds are probably one of the best diamonds in the whole USA.

Media Details
Company: Green Diamonds