Book offers a logical, rational, factual, practical and systematic approach for Judeo-Christians to get and stay right with God

Joseph C. Way announces the release of ‘Getting Right With God’

GEORGETOWN, Texas, Sept. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- “As a pastor and chaplain, I became keenly aware that many people are confused and troubled about religious matters. Many have been misinformed or uninformed and are searching for guidance that will enable them to get right with God.  Confusion reigns. For serious thinkers, orthodox answers no longer suffice,” Joseph C. Way states.


He wanted to offer a logical, rational, factual, practical and systematic approach for Judeo-Christians, in particular, to get and stay right with God. It is for this reason that he writes “Getting Right With God” (published by Xlibris). This book is about recognizing that love is the innate nature of man and God and that the human Jesus showed man how to embody that kind of love by emphasizing that it alone (contrary to Paul) gets man right with God, his neighbor and the universe.


“This book deals with a question most of us ask,” Way points out. “Since some inquiring minds have seriously questioned the validity of modern religious practices and beliefs, this book provides a scholarly answer that explains the unavoidable relevance for loving God first and then your neighbor as yourself. It offers a process to salvage Judeo-Christian worship, our personal being, our relationship with others, and the universe.”


“Getting Right With God” aims to make it clear the significance of what and how humanity loves, the necessity to purposely choosing their own “god,” who Jesus really was and that organized religion must proclaim the truth about Jesus if it and humanity are to survive. For more details about the book, please visit


“Getting Right With God”

By Joseph C. Way

Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 258 pages | ISBN 9781664129504

Softcover | 6 x 9in | 258 pages | ISBN 9781664129528

E-Book | 258 pages | ISBN 9781664129511

Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble

About the Author

Joseph C. Way was born on a small farm in southern Mississippi as one of seven children. His formal education includes a bachelor’s degree from Millsaps College and a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in divinity from Vanderbilt Divinity School. He had special training in clinical pastoral education. He is a certified counselor and therapist for drug and alcohol rehabilitation, having worked in several treatment centers where he developed a new approach to recognition, treatment and prevention of addiction. In 1960, he returned from the seminary to Mississippi as a pastor and became involved in the integration movement. In early 1963, he joined 27 other United Methodist pastors in affirming strong opposition to segregation by publishing a “Declaration of Conscience.” For that, he was publically condemned, threatened, harassed, denied a pastoral appointment and forced to leave the state. Soon thereafter, he was selected for “Who's Who In American Methodism.” He became an Air Force chaplain and server with distinction on various staffs with extensive responsibilities for people and programs. After 23 years, he retired with the rank of lieutenant colonel. Due to his expertise in drug and alcohol rehabilitation, he became a Veterans Affairs hospital chaplain, counselor and therapist in their rehabilitation program. After several years, the church organization that refused him a pastoral appointment in 1963 asked him to become the pastor of a local church.

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