New federal assistance will help restaurants survive COVID-19

Commitments announced today respond to key Restaurants Canada recommendations for renewed support for struggling foodservice sector.

TORONTO, Oct. 02, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Restaurants Canada commends the federal government for committing to help businesses survive the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic with more than $600M in new funding.

“Many of the measures announced today respond to our recommendations to help Canada’s vital foodservice sector pull through these extraordinarily challenging times,” said Restaurants Canada President and CEO Todd Barclay. “We appreciate the federal government’s continued recognition of the unique impacts that COVID-19 have had on restaurants and how integral they are to the economic recovery of communities across the country.”

Foodservice and hospitality sector continues to be hardest hit from COVID-19

“The vast majority of our members have been able to remain operational and continue contributing to their communities, largely thanks to measures the federal government has introduced since the start of the crisis,” said David Lefebvre, Restaurants Canada Vice President, Federal and Quebec. “We look forward to learning more details about the commitments unveiled today and continue building on the government’s efforts to address the ongoing needs of our industry.”

Without continued and additional support, Restaurants Canada estimates that 40 per cent of independent restaurants might not survive beyond March 2021, on top of the roughly 10 per cent of establishments that have already permanently closed over the first six months of the pandemic.

Restaurants Canada continues to recommend support for restaurants in the following key areas:

  • Assistance with labour costs, rising debt and cash flow
  • Red tape reduction for small and medium sized businesses
  • Targeted foodservice sector support

About Restaurants Canada

Restaurants Canada is a national, not-for-profit association advancing the potential of Canada’s diverse and dynamic foodservice industry through member programs, research, advocacy, resources and events. Before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Canada’s foodservice sector was a $93 billion industry, directly employing 1.2 million people, providing Canada’s number one source of first jobs and serving 22 million customers across the country every day. The industry has since lost hundreds of thousands jobs and could lose as much as $44.8 billion in sales in 2020 due to the impacts of COVID-19.

