The Educational Finance Company Changing the World of Investing

Toronto, Canada, Oct. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Is Formal Education Dead?

Formal education is under scrutiny. Traditional educational school systems have minimal emphasis on financial literacy or effective investment techniques. Instead college curriculums focus on topics such as political theory with lessons around understanding Hobbesian society or John Stuart Mill’s perspective on individualism. Conceptually, this information is beneficial, however in life’s application of earning, investing, and managing money -- this information is superfluous. This insight led Sheraz Ali and Jr. Alexander to create, Stock Sharks, a financial education company that aims to help anyone who wants to begin learning and profiting from investing in the stock market. 

The Stock Shark Community

Quality over quantity - a phrase Stock Sharks uses to grow their community on a day-to-day basis. 

“We highly value our community and pride ourselves on being able to help virtually anyone,” comments Sheraz Ali, one of the co-founders. Stock Sharks offers unparalleled one-on-one attention to their community members. “You can literally pick up the phone and FaceTime us,”says Ali. It’s no surprise that the community is multiplying. “We’re growing at about 65 percent a year,” says Ali, adding that their members include people from the United States, Canada, the Middle East, and more.

Based in Canada 

Stock Sharks has its headquarters in Canada and a team of eight international and diverse employees, which is poised for massive growth as the community expands. Stock Sharks takes great pride in the stock market research that it does, which offers clarity and real-time financial news, so that investors can make the best, most informed decisions possible every time. This attention to detail has paid dividends for the company as they are currently privately valued at 4M. 

Premium and Synergy

The support and tools that Stock Sharks provide fall into two product categories: Premium and Synergy. The Premium product is geared toward the individual investor. This is perfect for anyone who is new and looking to get into investing for the first time, as well as those who have some experience and want to build on top of it. On the other hand, the Synergy product is more advanced and better suited for companies and hedge funds. Nonetheless, in both cases, Stock Sharks offers cutting-edge research that can benefit anyone in their community.

Value over Sales

Many companies and individuals in the financial education industry have lost their magnanimity. Failing to realize that community is built off value given and not sales. Stock Sharks aims to revolutionize the educational financial system by providing the most value and catering to their community by providing value and giving results to their members. To stay up-to-date with Stock Sharks follow their Instagram, website and facebook for news, expert knowledge, and updates.  

Media Details:
Contact Name: Sheraz Ali 
Company Name: Stock
Instagram: @stocksharks 
Sharks Website:


Stock Sharks
