Experienced Chiropractor Teaches Readers How to Create Their Desired Life in Debut Self-Help Memoir

In ‘My Journey to Grace,’ Dr. Lynn Carey reflects on her career in holistic wellness, empowers others to live full, healthy lives, and provides resources to help readers take the reins of their financial future

MIAMI BEACH, Fla., Nov. 02, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dr. Lynn Carey, who has more than two decades of experience in chiropractic and holistic wellness, has published her inspiring memoir, which chronicles her personal journey from depression and despair to joy and fulfillment. In “My Journey to Grace: Shattering Mainstream Illusions and Creating My Desired Life,” Carey challenges common, limiting beliefs that often keep people sick, disempowered, and stuck in the proverbial rat race and teaches readers how to take back their power as an individual and use it to create a life they love.

Carey’s journey to taking back her health began long before she entered the professional world of holistic wellness. As a teenager, she had two traumatic spinal surgeries to correct her scoliosis, after which she remained perpetually ill. Becoming a chiropractor was the first step in her healing journey and truly changed her life for the better. Through “My Journey to Grace,” Carey reflects on this experience as well as others that have contributed to her spiritual growth and invites readers to step outside the status quo, question what the world considers to be “normal,” and find their bliss.

“I do not want to be politically correct. I do not want to be right,” Carey wrote in the introduction to her book. “I want to break down the barriers of societal thinking to start a conversation. I want to inspire a generation to think for themselves, to create the best version of themselves, and to become empowered leaders in their own lives. Only when everyone reclaims their joy, happiness, health, purpose, wealth, and mind-set can we truly have peace on earth.”

Ultimately, “My Journey to Grace” offers a welcome and uplifting reminder of the healing power that can be found in oneself and encourages readers to evaluate how their mindset and beliefs shape and dictate their day-to-day life. Carey’s book challenges others to think outside the mainstream narrative and offers helpful resources for taking back one’s health, wealth, and happiness.

“My Journey to Grace: Shattering Mainstream Illusions and Creating My Desired Life”
By Dr. Lynn Carey
ISBN: 978-1-9822-5515-2 (hc)
ISBN: 978-1-9822-5513-8 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-9822-5514-5 (e)
Available through Balboa Press, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon

About the author
Dr. Lynn Carey earned her bachelor’s degree in nutrition and Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Life University in 1997. In 1998, she opened a practice in her hometown of Wilmington, Del., and practiced there for 18 years. Carey has gone on chiropractic mission trips to Brazil and India, and her experiences in these countries have helped her to deepen her spiritual understanding of herself, the Universe, and the transformative power of Love. In 2016, Carey followed her bliss and relocated to Miami Beach, Fla., where she continues to pursue her entrepreneurial dreams and homeschools her teenage son. She is passionate about empowering others to create their desired life of health, wealth, and perfect self-expression. To learn more, please visit www.creatingmydesiredlife.com.

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